910100 Introduction to forestry

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Lexer, Manfred Josef , Hogl, Karl , Stampfer, Karl
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


*Forest development
*Protective forest

Forest management:
*Features of a mountain forest management
*Forests and Climate change
*Stock flow in the forest (C,N, H2O, Energy)

Forest Engineering :
Development , timber harvesting and work sciences

Social and economic aspects:
*Forest policy
*Current issues/problems in the european forest policy
*Forest definitions (internationally and by Austrian Forest Act.)
*Forest ownership by European standards - forest ownership in Austria (overview : distribution and types of forest ownership and forest owners)
*Common good vs. Economic viability: the guiding principle "Forest Sustainability" (emergence and transformation); Problem areas of forest policy (competing economic, environmental and social interests in the forest) and the role of politics - What is "politics"? - What is "forest policy"?

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The prospective students will be given an overview of the forestry studies/sciences (orientation), the special divisions will be presented in regards to their relevance and their contribution for a better understanding of forestry science and solution providing for current forestry topics/issues.

The students know the austrian woods and understand its development. In addition, an overview of the forest production processes is given.

Students should understand the requirements for the study and know the qualification profile that is achieved with the completion of the forestry study.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.