875102 Static and solid mechanics

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Öttl, Stefan , Kettner, Florian , Wachter, Maximilian , Neuner, Matthias , Strauss, Alfred , Zimmermann, Thomas , Granzner, Maximilian
Structural Engineering
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


1.) Purpose and definition of structural design
2.) Development and idealization of structures
3.) Structural analysis and dimensioning
4.) Static relationships
5.) Kinematic relationships
6.) Material related relationships
7.) Energy methods

Linear statics of beam structures
1.) Construction of beam structures
2.) Establishing relevant forces
3.) Stress resultants and condition lines
4.) Influence lines
5.) Individual deformations
6.) Deformation lines
7.) Methods based on external forces
8.) Methods based on displacement values

Nonlinear statics of framework structures
1.) Elastic-plastic systems
2.) Load factor method
3.) Stability problems

Plate and shell structures
1.) Discs
2.) Plates
3.) Folded plates
4.) Shells

Previous knowledge expected

Basic mechanics, high school mathematics. In a preliminary exam, knowledge about basic mechanics will be tested.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students completing this course acquire the skills to assess and interpret complex structures by separating them into simplified, idealized subsystems which can be calculated without difficulty.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.