771109 General and physical chemistry

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Steininger-Mairinger, Teresa , Luef, Christoph , Causon, Tim , Hann, Stephan
Analytical Chemistry
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Chemical thermodynamics, chemical (reaction) kinetics, electrochemistry, aggregate state, gas law, solutions and colligative properties, phase diagrams,
chemical bonds: hybrid orbitals, molecular orbitals,
Introduction to molecular spectroscopy (UV-VIS using the example of acid-base indicators),
Titrimetry and titration curves.
Selected topics of the chemistry of elements in the environment and biology:
carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, sulfur cycle, greenhouse effect, relevance of oxygen, phosphorus, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals.

Previous knowledge expected

Courses 771100 und 771102 (STEOP passed)

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful attendance of this lecture the students know the basic principles of chemical thermodynamics, chemical (reaction) kinetics and electrochemistry as well as their importance for chemical reactions. They are able to perform calculations in these fields.
They know properties of substances (matter) in the three aggregate states and understand the transitions between the aggregate states on molecular basis.
They know the gas laws and are able to perform associated calculations. The students are able to outline and interpret simple phase diagrams.
Beside the valence bond theory the students also know hybrid orbitals and molecular orbitals. They understand their differences and are able to apply the molecular orbital theory to molecules with identical atoms such as oxygen.
They understand the relations between electron transitions in molecular orbitals and the colour of matter and therefore the basic principles of UV-VIS spectroscopy (molecular spectroscopy).
The students know the principle of titrimetry; they are able to calculate acid-base titration curves and to select appropriate indicators.
Based on the environmental relevant cycles of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur the students learn the different oxidation states of these elements and their significance for the systematic order of the different compounds of the elements C, N, and S. They are able to apply this knowledege on the whole periodic system of elements.
The students understand the processes inducing the greenhouse effect. They are able to describe important aspects of the biological relevance of oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphor, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals.
After successful attendance of this lecture the students are able to combine the presented contents and apply them on simple problems.
The students recognise the relevance of a broad basics-orientated education in chemistry.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.