815000 Introduction in hydraulics, water and waste management

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Holzmann, Hubert , Huber-Humer, Marion , Kammerer, Gerhard
Soil Physics and Rural Water Management
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Combined lecture and exercises with the aim to provide basic knowledge in the fields of hydraulics, hydrology and water management and waste management. The following topics will be addressed:

Hydraulics: Hydrostatics, Hydrodynamics (basic equations, conservation laws), pipe flow (laminar and turbulent flow, Darcy-Weisbach equation, friction factor, Moody-diagram) open-channel flow (Manning-Strickler formula), gradually and rapidly varied flow (hydraulic jump), , groundwater flow (Darcy’s Law, Laplace equation, hydraulic conductivity).

Waste Management: waste definitions and characterization, basic legal framework in the EU (waste framework directive, waste management hierarchy, EU circular Economy Package), impacts on waste generation, environmental impact by waste management, waste treatment strategies and processes, waste disposal

Water Management / Hydrology: Water balance and water cycle, surface and subsurface flow processes, examples for hydraulic calculations (discharge, flood routing, flood protection measures, detention basin).

Previous knowledge expected


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students will gain competence in solving applied hydraulic problems to support the design of e.g. sewer systems, water courses or flood protection measures.

Students will know about principles and fundamental facts of water management (hydrologocial modelling and flood risk management)

Students will know about fundamental aspects of waste management.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.