953100 Plant protection
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 2
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Steinkellner, Siegrid
- Organisation
- Plant Protection
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
- Definitions and terminology
- Biology of pests and pathogens and their relevant plant symptoms
- Economic relevance of pests, pathogens and crop protection
- Biological, chemical, biotechnological and transgenic measures of crop protection
- National and international organsiations in plant protection
- Previous knowledge expected
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
+ have a basic knowledge of plant pathology
+know the responibility and the tasks of plant protection
+ are able to differ between biotic and abiotic damages
+ know the relevant characteristic of plant diseases, pests and weeds
+ know the main important management treatments und their difference in the protection of plants against diseases, pests and weeds
+ know important examples of pests, diseses and weeds
+ are able to characterize fungi and fungal like organsims based on their main characteritics
+ know the basic diseases cycles
+ know the main transmission systems of pests and diseses
+ are able to assign nematodes as pests or as beneficial organisms
+ know the principal systematics of pests
+ know main symptoms due to pests
+ know main systems of diagnosis of plant pathogens
+ know the main beneficial organisms in plant protection
+ know about the interaction of weeds and crop plants
+know protectiv, physical, mechanical, biotechnolocigal, biological and chemical measuremts agains plant pathogens and pests (including examples)
+ know the groups of pesticides and their field of application
+ know the regulatory framework of plant protection in Austria and EU
+ know the danger symbols for pesticieds
+ know the basics of categorization of pesticides
+ know the legals basic for authorization of pesticides
+ are competent to recieve a "Ausbildungsbescheinigung"
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.