853324 Recreation law
- Type
- Lecture
- Semester hours
- 1
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Stock, Wolfgang
- Organisation
- Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Deutsch
- Content
The course provides students with an overview of legal basics and conflicts of use regarding leisure activities in nature and landscape. Liability problems in connection with leisure facilities and services are dealt with as well. Finally, special attention is paid to the law governing jobs in the leisure industry. Students also learn about the effects of legal standards and will become familiar with the possibilities and limits of legal problem solving.
Block 1: Basics of constitutional law and landscape use
•The legal order of Austria and Europe
•Jurisdiction of the federal government (forest law, industrial law)
•Jurisdiction of the provinces (nature conservation law, hunting law)
•Rights of trespassing (forest, agricultural areas, waste land)
•Use of waters (swimming, fishing, canyoning, canoeing)
Block 2: Conflicts of use
•Walking of dogs (conflicts with grazing livestock)
•Resting and camping
•Collecting berries, mushrooms and wild herbs
•Controlled hunting zones
Block 3: Leisure facilities
•Hiking trails
•Fitness courses and theme stations
•Climbing gardens
•Cross country tracks
•Skiing slopes
Block 4: Leisure services and leisure services law
•Tourist guides
•Mountain and skiing guides
•Nature and landscape guides
•Liability on guided tours (e.g. wild herb walks, wildlife watching)
•Leisure events (e.g. orienteering)
- Previous knowledge expected
Knowledge of the creation of legal standards and basic knowledge of the governmental implementation structure (courts and administrative authorities).
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Knowledge of the basic regulations for nature and landscape related recreational use; dealing with legal conflict-solving instruments.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.