856115 Traffic psychology

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Chaloupka-Risser, Christine , Berger, Wolfgang Josef
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Chaloupka-Risser: A. History of Traffic Psychology, Development of topics B. How we learn to behave: Rules of learning, conditioning, socialisation, social learning C. Motive power of behaviour: Feelings, needs, conflicts of interests, will, values as products of socialisation D. Impairment of behaviour: fatigue, distraction, anger, stress, alcohol, drugs E. Perception and assessment of traffic problems, risk models, risk acceptance F. Communication in traffic; what is the difference to everyday communication, importance of models, law enforcement G. Experience of traffic participation, the pleasure of being mobile, the problem of perspectives of different road users H. Mobility and everyday behaviour (needs of mobility of different groups, mode choice) I. Influence of infra-structure: Learning psychology (esp. humps, round-abouts), role of cognition (self-explaining roads), infrastructure based telematics J. Vehicle and mode characteristics: Importance of perception, social perception, self perception, physical characteristics of transportation means, ´behaviour´ of the vehicles including man-machine-interface K. Methods of traffic psychology (analysis and development of countermeasures) Berger:
A. Information perception and processing during traffic participation - sensory basics.
B. The visual component of perception in road traffic; gaze behaviour; requirements for information carriers.
C. Motion perception and speed estimation in road traffic.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students obtain a basic understanding of traffic psychology and information processing of road users in the context of traffic planning and road design.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.