913326 Project management for rural development in the global south

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Kleine, Michael
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


The lecture provides an insight into the application of project cycle management in rural development projects; it involves: (a) the analysis of socio-economic framework conditions, target groups and development problems; (b) systematic planning of objectives, results and activities using the logical framework approach; (c) project implementation representing various forms of project arrangements between donor agencies, intermediaries and target groups; and (d) monitoring and evaluation of project impacts on the natural environment and socio-economic situation of the target groups.Examples of rural development projects from Asia, Africa and Latin America are used to discuss the problems and design new projects. Concrete results from impact monitoring and project evaluation exercises assist in illustrating possible solutions and improved interventions by development projects. Examples of donor-assisted programmes presented during the lecture are taken from past and currently ongoing projects reflecting the complex problems and opportunities associated with external interventions aiming at reducing poverty and improving the wellbeing of rural people in developing countries.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The implementation of rural development projects in economically disadvantaged countries is a complicated task. In order to meaningfully contribute to rural development, particularly related to natural resources management, human wellbeing and poverty alleviation, social concerns need to be balanced with economic and environmental requirements. In the context of natural resources management this lecture provides insights into the causes and complex mechanisms that are responsible for unsustainable land uses and environmental degradation in developing countries. The negative effects of unsustainable management practices on the ecological, social and economic environments are discussed. This provides the background for a holistic and integrated approach to project management in development co-operation. Students will obtain a clear understanding of the methods of project cycle management as a basis for planning, implementation and monitoring & evaluation of rural development projects.
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