874309 Soil and water bioengineering in the context of nature based solutions

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Stangl, Rosemarie , Obriejetan, Michael
Soil Bioengineering and Landscape Construction
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


On the basis of selected soil bioengineering issues, aspects related to the technology and use of plants for engineering work will be elaborated. Soil bioengineering approaches and actions are discussed, deepened and concretised in the context of the "Nature-based solutions" (NBS) concept. The term "Nature-based solutions" covers all measures for the protection, conservation and restoration of natural and modified ecosystems, with the aim of developing and implementing adaptable systems that provide a range of different ecosystem services.

Soil bioengineering application fields (slope and embankment protection, infrastructure areas, landfill sites etc.) as well as current technical, economic and ecological issues are dealt with and deepened in small groups.

Contemplation on the links between sustainability aspects and their impact on the future and society are stimulated and teamwork and responsibility in the seminar work process is trained.

Previous knowledge expected

Basics in Soil Bioengineering: the lectures Soil Bioengineering and Practical Course to Soil Bioengineering Techniques have to be successfully attended.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students gain knowledge on selected soil bioengineering topics. Students have competences to elaborate selected soil bioengineering topics independently and critically.

Presentational and communication skills are acquired and trained by the participants. Students are familiar with the various dimensions and functions of soil bioengineering and can illustrate the relationship to sustainability (knowledge). Based on this, students can identify specific requirements that are addressed to soil bioengineering subject areas (understanding).
Students gain the ability to implement application principles and independently work up project examples (application).

Students are capable of interlinking knowledge of other dicsiplines and courses and of societal-related neeeds and rationales (objectives - solutions - implementation).
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.