818050 Methods and concepts of risk sciences I
- Type
- Seminar
- Semester hours
- 1
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Traxl, Bernhard , Giese, Bernd Moritz , Müllner, Nikolaus , Hrdy, Bernd , Kromp, Wolfgang , Drapalik, Markus
- Organisation
- Safety and Risk Sciences
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
Starting from general causes of risk in society, a structured introduction to risk science is given. Existing as well as possible future risks are identified and possibilities of characterization and limitation of these risks are described. Probabilistic and deterministic methods in nuclear engineering are highlighted as well as the toxicological concept of risk. Examples from the current research of the Institute for Safety and Risk Sciences in the fields of nuclear safety and risk, nano- and biotechnology as well as renewable energies are used to give an overview of essential terms and working methods in safety and risk research. Based on the overall societal importance of the risks of energy provision in general and nuclear technology in particular as part of the so-called critical infrastructure, attention is focused on inter- and transdisciplinary contexts. Through a cooperation with the Austrian Armed Forces, an introduction to military risk assessment will also be given.
Field trips to nuclear facilities and industrial facilities with comparable risk character provide a realistic impression of the dimensions and complexity of such facilities.
The course consists of a lecture, a seminar and an excursion and is to be attended together with LV Nr. 818059.
Keywords: nuclear energy, nuclear power, nuclear bomb, nuclear industry, biotechnology, nanotechnology, genetic engineering, wind power, wind energy
- Previous knowledge expected
"Matura" equivalent (secondary school)
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Increase of knowledge and understanding of terms, definitions and parameters used in risk sciences, as well as insights into the possibilities and limits of the assessment of risks and of methods to reduce risks. Insight into the interdisciplinary nature of the risk concept and its targeting on man.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.