771100 Introduction into general and analytical chemistry

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Vasilieva, Viktoriya , Troyer, Christina , Steininger-Mairinger, Teresa , Hann, Stephan , Luef, Christoph
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Fundamental principles: the mole, concentration.
Electronic structure of atoms. Periodic system of the elements and properties of the elements depending on their arrangement in the periodic system.
Chemical bonds and chemical properties imparted by the various types of bonds.
Law of mass action and chemical equilibria: acid-base equilibria, complex-equilibria, solubility-equilibria and redox-equilibria.
Stoichiometric calculations.
Qualitative analysis: separation and identification of cations and anions.
Laboratory safety.

Previous knowledge expected

Basic knowledge of chemistry from education in school.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful passing this course the students gained theoretical and practical knowledge of fundamental principles of general and analytical chemistry and therefore are prepared for the following laboratory courses especially for 771102. They are able to describe how atoms are built-up; they know the periodic system of the elements and common trends of some properties of the elements depending on their position in the periodic system. They know the relation between electronic structure of atoms and atomic spectra (flame colouration).
They are able to assign a substance chemical bond type due to properties of this substance and they know the importance of intermolecular interactions.
They are able to differentiate between the terms mole (amount of substance) and amount of substance concentration and they can use them correctly.
They are able to formulate laws of mass action and chemical equilibria: acid-base equilibria, complex-equilibria, solubility-equilibria, redox-equilibria and coupled equilibria and can perform simple related calculations.

Now the students have acquired basic knowledge about inorganic reactions in aqueous solution and are able to formulate elementary reactions, also the reactions of simple qualitative analysis of selected cations and anions.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.