855331 Sustainable spatial development and energy transition

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Stöglehner, Gernot , Seher, Walter
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


The course comprises a lecture part and a seminar part.

The lecture part provides relevant introductory inputs for the seminar and focuses on the following topics:

- Sustainability challenges in spatial development

- Concepts and instruments of land policy for sustainable spatial development

- Contributions of spatial planning to energy transition

- Spatial planning and land policy in natural hazard management and climate change adaptation

- Urban redevelopment strategies

In the seminar part students (in groups of two) write and present a seminar paper guided by the lecturers. The seminar papers are based on evaluation and analysis of relevant international scientific literature.
This years seminar is dedicated to instruments of spatial planning and land policy to support land thrift, energy transition, natural hazard management and climate change adaptation.

Previous knowledge expected

Course for master students or phD-students! Knowledge of the courses "Spatial Planning" (Lecture) and "Projects in Spatial Planning" (Project work) is very recommended.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion of the module:

- Students have gained a systematic overview on values and objectives of sustainable spatial development. They know the spatial requirements of energy transition and climate change mitigation as well as strategies and instruments of spatial planning and land policy to support land thrift, energy transition and climate change mitigation.

- Students have gained knowledge on sustainability challenges in spatial development, spatial development strategies regarding energy transition and climate change mitigation as well as basic concepts, challenges, and instruments of land policy. They are able to reflect the contributions of spatial planning and land policy instruments to land thrift, energy transition and climate change mitigation.

- Students have gained skills in assessing potentials and restrictions of spatial planning and land policy with regard to land thrift, climate change mitigation and energy transition.

- Students are able to critically read and reflect scientific papers and planning documents and to analyse strategies and instruments of spatial planning and land policy. They have improved their skills in writing papers and in providing feedback and arguments on the above-mentioned strategies and instruments.

- Students have consolidated their ability to independently study scientific literature and expand their skills in the evaluation of scientific readings.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.