819332 Computer based river modelling

Lecture and exercise
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Schader, David , Tritthart, Michael , Holzner, Markus , Preiml, Max
Hydraulic Engineering and River Research
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


- Introduction to the numerical simulation of surface water bodies
- Fundamentals in hydraulics for hydrodynamic modelling
- 1-D surface water modelling, data requirements, available models
- Numerical methods in hydrodynamic modelling
- Model treatment of the flow resistance, calibration of hydrodynamic models
- 2-D and 3-D hydrodynamic models, advantages and disadvantages, data requirements, available models
- Application example 2-D unsteady hydrodynamic modelling: flood of 2002 in the Tullner Becken
- Fundamentals in sediment transport modelling, data requirements, available models
- Application example 2-D sediment transport modelling: Danube east of Vienna

Practical Exercises:
- Introduction to the 1-D model HEC-RAS, preparation of a simple model geometry
- Execution of 1-D computation and interpretation of the results
- 1-D calculation of water surface elevations for different roughness conditions and overbank flow – natural river reach
- Input of buildings and obstacles (bridges, culverts, etc.)
- Preparation and conduction of an unsteady flow computation
- Introduction to the 2-D model RSim-2D
- Generation of a 2-D computation mesh for a given terrain geometry
- Input of roughness values and flow boundary conditions, execution of the 2-D computation
- Postprocessing, comparison and discussion of the results

Previous knowledge expected

Basic knowledge in hydraulics and hydraulic engineering

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful completion, the students have gained a deeper understanding of the theoretical foundations on which computer models for river simulation are based. They are able to select the adequate model dimension (1D to 3D) for a specific task and know about the advantages and disadvantages of the different models as well as about the uncertainties of numerical model approaches.
After completing the course, the students are able to set up, calibrate and validate 1D and 2D hydrodynamic models. They understand the importance of bed roughness in a practical context and can estimate uncertainties from the choice of model parameters.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.