731345 Coaching of project managers

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Wytrzens, Hans Karl
Sustainable Economic Development
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


•leadership in project work
•definition and communication of project goals and objectives as executive functions
•project roles, responsibility and authority
•building a project team (criteria for selecting project team members)
•leadership within the scope of project planning (specification of project ideas)
•guidance of project realization and controlling (time and resource management)
•management tasks within the scope of project documentation and steering
•managing participation, teamwork and conflicts
•soft skills (ability to work in a team)
•motivation and inspiration
•empowerment and collaboration
•negotiation and networking
•decision making

Previous knowledge expected

Passed exam of an introductory project management course recommended
Practical experience in team work (e.g. collective seminar or project work) beneficial

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

•Acquire leadership
•Evolve integrative thinking and team spirit
•Training of communication, coordination and cooperation skills

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course students are able to
• describe and assess management functions within a project,
• identify different leadership styles in project management and to evaluate their situation adequacy,
• define roles in project work and to distribute responsibilities,
• use and apply team building measures, techniques for delegation, negotiation, self- and time management,
• professionally manage conflicts at project work,
• realistically assess their own personal aptitude for assuming leadership tasks.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.