790389 Modern bioinformatics

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Kreil, David Philip , Oostenbrink, Chris , Sykacek, Peter
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Following the fantastic success in its first years, we are delighted to again present a ring lecture and seminar introducing students to Modern Bioinformatics.

Bioinformatics is a particularly heterogeneous discipline. Rather than lecturers only presenting basic material in talks, the focus in this course is on showcasing exciting areas of research, modern methods, and current challenges in the field. An aim is to share our excitement with students by providing insight into some of the most interesting and seminal research challenges of the field. This course also offers an invaluable opportunity for meeting several of the key Bioinformatics group leaders in Vienna, and to learn about institutes offering research opportunities towards an M.Sc. thesis and beyond in Bioinformatics.

Guest lecturers will introduce the areas of their respective research interests.
Each lecture will conclude with a recommendation of one or two scientific papers.

By the end of the taught courses around mid of December, students propose two of the papers on the course list for self-study, one of which they will be assigned. They will then discuss the respective research topic in a 15-20 minute critical presentation in the January seminars. Note that we are looking for critical engagement and discussion, and that a base summary is not sufficient.

Ring lectures 2024/2025:

02 Oct 17:00 - David Kreil, Boku, quantitative and functional genomics
09 Oct 17:00 - Thomas Rattei, Univ. Vienna, metagenomics and microbial genomes
16 Oct 17:00 - Chris Oostenbrink, Boku, molecular dynamics
23 Oct 17:00 - Christoph Flamm, Univ. Vienna, metabolic network analysis
30 Oct 17:00 - Peter Sykacek, Boku, probabilistic modelling and inference

Seminar 15+16 Dec 17-19h (both!)

Hoping to welcome back in future years:
Heiko Schmidt, Univ. Vienna, phylogenetics and evolution

With fond memories and in sadness we say farewell to our colleague and friend Friedrich Leisch who passed from us far too early.

Ring lectures 2022/2023:

04 Oct 17:00 - David Kreil, Boku, quantitative and functional genomics
11 Oct 17:00 - Chris Oostenbrink, Boku, molecular dynamics
18 Oct 17:00 - Peter Sykacek, Boku, probabilistic modelling and inference
(BREAK 25 Oct - 1 Nov)
08 Nov 17:00 - Christoph Flamm, Univ. Vienna, metabolic network analysis
15 Nov 17:00 - Thomas Rattei, Univ. Vienna, metagenomics and microbial genomes

Seminar 19+20 Dec 17-19h

Lectures 2021/2022:
06 Oct 17:00 - David Kreil, Boku, quantitative and functional genomics
13 Oct 17:00 - Chris Oostenbrink, Boku, molecular dynamics
03 Nov Oct 17:00 - Thomas Rattei, Univ. Vienna, metagenomics and microbial genomes
10 Nov 17:00 - Christoph Flamm, Univ. Vienna, metabolic network analysis
17 Nov 17:00 - Peter Sykacek, Boku, probabilistic modelling and inference

Lectures 2020/2021:
07 Oct 17:00 - David Kreil, Boku, quantitative and functional genomics
14 Oct 17:00 - Chris Oostenbrink, Boku, molecular dynamics
21 Oct 17:00 - Peter Sykacek, Boku, probabilistic modelling and inference
28 Oct 17:00 - Christoph Flamm, Univ. Vienna, metabolic network analysis
11 Nov 17:00 - Heiko Schmidt, Univ. Vienna, phylogenetics and evolution
18 Nov 17:00 - Thomas Rattai, Univ. Vienna, metagenomics and microbial genomes


(The first ring lectures started 2013/2014.)

Previous knowledge expected

The course language is English, and you will also be asked to read a scientific paper, present and discuss it during a seminar in English.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Students can outline the current challenges and modern methods in Bioinformatics research. They will have deeper exposure to one area they chose freely from a set of recommended research papers.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.