771105 Practial course in classical analytical chemistry

Exercise course
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Loidl, Philipp , Mitterböck, Sonja , Schuhmacher, Rainer , Tchaikovsky, Anastassiya , Steiner-Friedmann, Christina , Luef, Christoph , Causon, Tim , Kandler, Wolfgang , Hann, Stephan , Vasilieva, Viktoriya , Welsch, Eva , Viehauser, Petra , Sulyok, Michael , Cocovi Solberg, David , Troyer, Christina , Kochmann, Sven , Kelz, Theres Maria , Berthiller, Franz , Steininger-Mairinger, Teresa , Kastner, Bruna
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Classical qualitative analysis:
Theory of the hydrogen sulfide precipitation scheme of cations as didactical means to exercise, understand and apply coupled reactions in aqueous solutions as well as to internalise the analytical approach of the separation of cations due to different chemical properties and subsequent identification.
Soda extract and detection of anions.

Classical quantitative analysis:
Gravimetry, titrimetry (titration of strong and weak acids and bases.)
Handling of analytical balances, weighing theory (weighing errors)
Safety in a chemical laboratory
Safety-relevant parameters (MAC-, LD50-, and biological tolerance value) and material safety data sheets, classification and labeling of chemicals (old and new system)

Self-dependent, accurate working with simple glass ware and toxic chemicals following a detailed operating procedure
Separation and identification of cations and anions in semi micro scale. Handling of analytical balances, gravimetric analysis, acid-base titrations
Self-dependent writing of laboratory protocols

Previous knowledge expected


Requirements: 771102 Introduction to General Chemistry, Practical Course and 771100 Introduction into General and Analytical Chemistry

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

After successful attendance of this course, the students have deepened the knowledge acquired in 771102 with respect to important basics of general and analytical chemistry and extended with practical and theoretical basics of classical qualitative and quantitative (gravimetry and titrimetry) inorganic chemical analytics.
The correct behaviour in a chemical laboratory, the safe handling of chemicals and instruments are now a matter of course that allows the students to concentrate on the analysis to perform.

They have self-dependently performed qualitative analysis including separation and identification steps, which are based on coupled equilibria and they understand these reactions, the associated chemical reaction equilibria and their ubiquitous relevance for processes in aqueous solutions. Moreover they know that these equilibria are the same in biological systems, the environment and in technical processes. Furthermore they are able to formulate such chemical reaction equations without any problem and to apply their acquired knowledge on unknown ones, and they recognise the coupled reaction equations these are based on.
The students can draw appropriate conclusions on the composition of a solid or liquid sample from its appearance (colour and nature) and its pH-value in case of liquids. They have practised, understood and internalised the analytical approach of separations based on different chemical properties and subsequent undisturbed/interference free identification.
The students know that inaccurate work leads to interferences and how those are to be handled based on the acquired knowledge of the chemical behaviour of the ions of interest. Of the chemical elements used in this course they know different oxidation states, the chemical behaviour of different species (cations, anions, poorly soluble substances, amphoteric behaviour, and pH-dependence of chemical equilibria).
Beside cations they are also able to analyse anions.
They know that they have to plan the sequence of work in time and that it is not possible to store samples in every state of an analytical procedure.
They are able to analyse solid samples (salts, metals) and to formulate the respective dissolving equation in aqueous solution. They know about the relevance of safety-relevant parameters such as MAC-, LD50-, and biological tolerance value and they are able to find them self-dependent in literature.
Now they know different properties of substances and understand which of them are important for the usage in gravimetry as analyte or reagent. They are also able to describe the weighing errors and their causes, they know the differences between relative and absolute errors and they can handle an analytical balance.
The students are able to perform simple quantitative determinations of acids and bases (titrations) and to evaluate which indicators have to be used with respect to a certain application.
They are able to calculate the molar concentration and the mass concentration and they know very well about the accuracy and precision of an acid-base titration or a gravimetric determination and how many significant figures can be shown in the obtained result.
The students know that a precise logging of their work and results is of prime importance. They are able to write simple, comprehensible protocols.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.