933341 Ethnopedology, ethnometeorology and ethnoclimatology: Local knowledge about soil, weather and climate change

Lecture and seminar
Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Vogl, Christian R. , Schunko, Christoph
Organic Farming
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Introduction to basic topics such as: local knowledge, traditional knowledge, knowledge systems, citizen science;
Introduction to topics, methods and results for research on ethnopedology, ethnometeorology, ethnoclimatology;
Presentation of links between current debates in our society about soil protection, soil sealing, natural disasters or climate change and the concepts of ethnopedology, ethnometeorology, ethnoclimatology.

Previous knowledge expected

Knowledge equivalent to completing a Bachelor of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Being able to competently explain current social challenges related to soil, weather and climate (causes / impacts) at bachelor level (soil erosion, soil sealing,, increase / consequences of natural disasters, climate change, etc.).

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

Being able to explain the differences and the relationships between local knolwedge and global scientific knowledge in terms of soil, weather and climate.
Being able to define ethnopedology, ethnometeorology and ethnoclimatologie, giving also examples of topics that are examined by these disciplines.
•To be able to explain the importance of the scientific investigation of local knolwedge in terms of soil, weather, natural disasters and climate change in a professionally sound manner.
•Show that a selected content of the course can be researched independently and a presented in a well-founded text (seminar paper) (including logics in the structure and reasoning, correct use and naming of sources).
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.