951318 Grassland management

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Schaumberger, Andreas , Gaier, Lukas , Klingler, Andreas
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction


Basic issues and problem areas in the field of grassland fertilization will be adressed and discussed in this lecture, including current research findings of the Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein:

- Introduction into relevancy of Austrian grassland, role and function of fertilization in grassland management

- definition, importance and value of farm manure, excretion amounts, composition and nutrient content of different types of manure

- legal basics and regulations of fertilization practice including relevant requirements of the agri-environmental programme as well as general and specific problems in the field of manure management

- recommendations in practical fertilization and operating conditions for individual types of farm manure; mineral fertilizers, methodology of nutrient balancing, nutrient and system efficiency, efficiency of farm manure nitrogen; practical examples of fertilization planning in grassland under consideration of soil analysis

- nutrient leaching, NH3- and N2O volatilization, strategies of an efficient and environmentally friendly use of farm manure; treatment of farm manure including technical methods and utilization of soil additives


Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

my students

- intensively get informed about farm manure as a central resource for the fertilization of Austrian grassland

- know about the impact factors and context concerning excretion amounts, nutrient content and efficiency of liquid and stable farm manure

- become familiar with legal requirements in the field of fertilization as well with relevant aspects of the agri-environment programme

- understand the procedure of charging farm manure nitrogen

- know how to operate with the guidelines of an appropriate fertilization to access the planning of fertilization

- get an insight into current problem areas of farm manure application and offer approaches to solving these problems

- know about the N-cycle on grassland and are able to set up nitrogen balances on farm gate and area level

- become acquainted with environmentally relevant impact of grassland fertilization including feasible solutions

- are familiar with application techniques and processing treatments of liquid and stable farm manure

- use the gained theoretical knowledge to deal successfully with relevant questions and requests in agricultural practice

You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.