910110 Bachelor's thesis seminar

Semester hours
Lecturer (assistant)
Kanzian, Christian , Herberich, Maximiliane , Neumann, Mathias , Zankl, Thomas , Klumpp, Raphael Thomas , Stampfer, Karl , Immitzer, Markus , Fitzky, Anne-Charlott , Halmschlager, Erhard , Maschek, Oliver , Neophytou, Charalambos , Netherer, Sigrid , Ritter, Tim , Sanden, Hans , Schume, Helmut , Unger, Gregor , Brawenz, Christian , Lexer, Manfred Josef , Nothdurft, Arne , Zehetner, Franz , Kühmaier, Martin , Jansen, Simon Alexander , Schafellner, Christa , Vacik, Harald , Vospernik, Sonja , Renner, Swen , Holzinger, Andreas
Ecosystem Management, Climate and Biodiversity
Offered in
Wintersemester 2024/25
Languages of instruction
Deutsch, Englisch


To successfully complete the seminar, you must actively participate in one (Presentation of final results) or two (Presentation of concept and final results) classes. Three dates will be offered each semester. Please discuss the modus operandi with your supervisor.

1) For the first class you must prepare a poster with the conceptual structure (and possibly first results) of your Bachelor thesis work and briefly present it in a "Poster Session" (2-5 min). Typical sub-headings of the poster are a brief introduction (background information on the subject), research question(s), and applied methods. If you conduct your work in a group, please create a joint poster.
2) At the second class, the results your thesis will be presented and interpreted. If you conduct your work in a group, the duration of the oral presentation is 20 minutes (per group), while the duration of the presentation is 10 min for individuals. Following the presentation, the professors, tutors and others will discuss the present work with you (about 5 min).

Please discuss the timing of your participation and the content of your poster / presentation in advance with your supervisor!

Previous knowledge expected

- Creating scientific posters and presentations, acquired through courses like "Introduction to scientific work" etc.

Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)

The students

- are able to work out solutions to problems and arguments in their subject area independently and in a team on the basis of subject and methodological knowledge, to develop them further and to represent them convincingly

- are able to convincingly present the concept (outline) and the results of their Bachelor's thesis, to classify it professionally and to defend it against critical objections

- are able to flexibly draw on in-depth knowledge in the subject area of their Bachelor's thesis in professional discussions

- are able to reflect on results also with regard to social and ethical implications
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.