970022 Challenges and opportunities in biotoxin research in the light of a changing climate
- Type
- Lecture and seminar
- Semester hours
- 3
- Lecturer (assistant)
- Berthiller, Franz , Rieder, Harald
- Organisation
- Bioanalytics and Agro-Metabolomics
- Offered in
- Wintersemester 2024/25
- Languages of instruction
- Englisch
- Content
This course is a mandatory part of the European doctoral network BIOTOXDoc, limited to doctoral candidates of the project. In a 2.5 days introductory session in presence, students will be learning about the concept, challenges and opportunities in biotoxin research, together with fundamentals of climate science, data management, scientific communication, etc. The initial training session includes the introduction of academic and industrial project partners to introduce their area of expertise, the projects they supervise and their vision for the future in the biotoxin area, including mycotoxins, phycotoxins and plant toxins. The initial training sets the stage for further self-study in the relevant subjects, supervised by the BOKU teachers, but also by the supervisors of the individual projects. The self study includes search for, reading and understanding provided and newly discovered scientific literature, the preparation of a scientific poster and the preparation of an oral presentation. At a final 2.5 days session, the students will present their obtained knowledge and give their presentations.
- Previous knowledge expected
Completed master study in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences or a closely related area.
- Objective (expected results of study and acquired competences)
Successful participants of the course will understand the common principles and challenges of biotoxin research and climate change. They will understand the different scientific approaches of the scientific disciplines to the threat of climate change, get a basic understanding about the concept of food and feed safety. They will be able to communicate problems in an inter-disciplinary context to persons of different disciplines. They will be capable discussing and evaluating their research.
You can find more details like the schedule or information about exams on the course-page in BOKUonline.