Review 3rd BOKU Sustainability Day 2017 & Day of Teaching and Learning
Review BOKU Sustainability Day & Day of Teaching and Learning 2017
On June 1, 2017, the BOKU Sustainability Day and the Day of Teaching and Learning were jointly organized with the focus on "Education for Sustainable Development".
Numerous sessions, workshops, lectures, discussions, networking activities, games, information stands and showrooms during the day invited both students and teachers to take a closer look at this topic. The poetry slammer Mieze Medusa and the BOKU choir sweetened the evening event with their interludes. In addition, the BOKU Sustainability Awards, the BOKU Teaching Awards and the Teaching Aids Award were given, which conjured up joy and radiance on the faces of the winners. Good food, dancing and chatting were not neglected at the final party either.
Video recordings, the program review, the pecha kucha presentations and the winners of BOKU Sustainability Award can be found on the german version of the website.
Here are a few impressions of the day!
More pictures can be found on Facebook.
Potography: (c) Daniel Mikkelsen und Christoph Gruber
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