About us
Working with actors from science, practice, civil society, policy and the private sector we co-create andmobilise scientific knowledge for sustainable development.
We engage in research with partners, among other regions in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe, and facilitate transformation processes towards sustainable food systems as well as sustainable management and governance of natural resources.
IDR integrates competence in development research and global cooperation at BOKU, among others by coordinating the BOKU-Cluster for Development Research. We are active in international networks such as Agrinatura, the AfricaUniNet as well as the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria.
Our approaches are transdisciplinary, participatory, gender-transformative, intersectional, human rights-based and political-ecological.
We work in three closely interlinked thematic areas:
Management and Administration
Addresses & Contact
H93400 Institute of Development Research
IDR Institute for Development Research
Peter-Jordan-Straße 76/I
1190 Wien
Tel.: +43 1 47654-93400
Info: IDR Institute for Development Research / Institut für Entwicklungsforschung