Working Group Knowledge Systems and Innovation (AGWI)
WG Knowledge Systems and Innovation (AGWI)
The AGWI working group understands organic farming as a system that is generated by an interplay and interdependency of ecological, socio-cultural and economic components. In our inter- and transdisciplinary oriented working group, we concentrate on the actors within this system – the people – in particular their relationships with each other as well as with their environment.
Our research focuses on the generation, transfer and adaptation of local and traditional knowledge of actors in organic farming systems, the characteristics, attitudes and beliefs of these actors, and the innovation processes they initiate. The research results provide theoretical insights and are applied for the further development of organic farming systems.
We conduct research projects and supervise master theses and dissertations in small-scale farming systems in rural, peri-urban and urban areas in Austria, Europe and beyond. Moreover, we represent these topics in university teaching as well as through services to society.
Head: Assoc. Prof. DI Dr. Christoph Schunko
Deputy Head: Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Christian R. Vogl