On October 6 the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology at the Mendel University Brno, celebrated its 95-year anniversary. The foundation of the forest faculty was a consequence of the downshift of the Habsburg-Monarchy; until 1919 all Czech foresters have been educated at BOKU in Vienna. Mendel University Brno has today five suject-divisions, with a student body of over 10.500. Within the academic celebration of the 95-year anniversary the Gregor-Johann-Mendel Medal was awarded to distinctive personalities from academia and industry. Professor Rupert Wimmer of the Institute of Natural Materials Technology (IFA Tulln) and Institute of Wood Technology and Renewable Resources (UFT) received the prestigious medal for his successful efforts forming an international research group in wood and wood-based materials. Professor Wimmer is also an appointed guest professor at Mendel University.