EVERCYTE awarded Mercure Innovation Award 2014

This year the innovation award of the Economic Chamber (WK) of Vienna in the category ‘Life Science’ goes to Evercyte. Evercyte – a SpinOff of BOKU/VIBT – has been selected from among 150 competing companies for its innovative concept of 3D human tissue culture. The Mercur award is presented annually to innovative projects of Viennese companies to depict and promote their innovation potential.

Human cell cultures are one of the most important tools in the medical and biological research and development. Evercyte succeeds in producing artificial human cell cultures from different tissues, from any donors in sufficiently high quantity and outstanding quality and very close to the properties of normal living cells. With a focus on the development of 3D tissue cultures Evercyte is currently developing especially highly specialized skin and liver models. The project was supported by the FFG.

Evercyte was founded in 2011 with support of aws. Johannes Grillari (CSO), Otto Kanzler (CEO) and Regina Grillari (CTO) are partners of Evercyte and with their long standing expertise in cell culture and biotechnological industry they succeed in transferring innovative ideas to biotechnological business.

More information on MERCUR Preis: https://www.wko.at/Content.Node/Mercur/Startseite---Mercur.html

More information on Evercyte unter: www.evercyte.com
