Copernicus Alliance Conference 2016
COPERNICUS Alliance Conference 2016
"Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems" September 14th-15th 2016, Wilhelm-Exner Haus, Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Vienna The 2016 COPERNICUS Alliance Conference focuses on the sustainability transformation of institutional, national and international science systems. Participants of the conference will elaborate on required competences, barriers and factors of success for sustainability science and ESD, possible ways to open up universities, and the impact of global policies on higher education. Sustainability requires new approaches to knowledge and education. This transformation requires an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and holistic collaboration at the interface of education, research, policy and practice. In order to walk the talk, the two day conference will provide a variety of interactive opportunities, such as parallel participative sessions designed by participants, a "poster walk and talk" or a screening of short-videos of contributors who are not able to attend in person. It is our goal to organize this conference under the “Green Meeting” directive of the Austrian Eco Label. Key Dates:
- Submission of session proposals, poster abstracts and video abstracts: July 25th, 2016
- Notification of acceptance by August 5th, 2016
- Early bird fee till August 14th, 2016
- Conference: September 14th – 15th, 2016
Please check the website:
Please send all submissions and questions to: office(at)