Inge Dirmhirn Prize and Scholarship 2016
Inge Dirmhirn Prize for gender- and/or diversityspecific bachelor theses, master’s/diploma theses and doctoral dissertations at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna 2016: For this prize amounting to €3,000 (€ 500-, for an approved bachelor thesis, €1,000 for an approved master’s or diploma thesis and €1,500 for an approved doctoral dissertation) approved diploma theses, master’s theses and doctoral dissertations may be submitted for consideration.
The research content of the thesis or dissertation has to include gender- and/or diversityspecific issues with BOKU relevant content. Interdisciplinary German or English language theses and dissertations with creative approaches on the average of good research will be particularly welcomed.
The corresponding academic degree must be awarded in the period between January 1, 2014 and October 31, 2016 (date of decision to award degree).
Applications for the prize can be submitted by email exclusively as electronically/digitally PDF documents by November 14, 2016.
Application form and the guidelines for awarding of the prize are available to download at: Inge Dirmhirn Scholarship for the Promotion of a Master Degree at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna: The Equal Opportunities Working Party BOKU awards the Inge Dirmhirn Scholarship amounting to € 2.400,- (two thousand four hundred) for the promotion of a Master thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences.
The scholarship is open for all students registered for a Master degree program at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. The Master thesis in German or English language must be commenced by February 1, 2017 at the latest and has to be graded positive within one year.
This scholarship aims at financially supporting the possibility to intensively work on a Master thesis. The scholarship wishes to stimulate a Master thesis in the field of gender and/or diversity studies with BOKU relevant content. Furthermore, with the scholarship mobility should be promoted for junior researchers.
The call for the Inge Dirmhirn Scholarship is open for Master theses in the field of gender and/or diversity topics with BOKU relevant content. Applications of interdisciplinary Master theses with creative approaches on the average of good research will be particularly welcomed.
Applications for this scholarship can be submitted by email exclusively as electronically/digitally PDF documents by November 14, 2016.
Application form and the award guidelines available to download at: