Large-scale food waste survey for households in Austria starting now!

In Austria 206.990 t of avoidable food waste from households end up inresidual and organic waste bins each year. That equals the weight of 20 Eiffel Towers! Over half of the discarded products were not processed orconsumed in time and were therefore discarded. On average, each year an Austrian household throws away avoidable food waste worth 263 Euros! For more than 10 years, the Institute of Waste Management at the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU) is one of the leading contributors to research on foodwaste and the Institute is currently lead-partner of Strefowa, a European project on Strategies to reduce foodwaste, funded by the European Regional Development Funds (ERDF). One activity (pilot action) within this project is an online survey in Austria to understand reasons for food waste generation in households. What stops households from avoiding food waste? How do consumers avoid wasting food? How much do consumers know about the production of everyday food products? How is food correctly stored in households? Based on the findings from the survey, bespoke awareness campaigns and measures are developed and implemented to reduce food waste in Austrian households.
