BOKU is associated member of the Himalaya University Consortium (HUC)

Since decades, BOKU is active in the Himalaya-Hindukush-Region (one of the geographic target regions of BOKU's strategy for internationalisation). During the fifth annual conference of HUC in Chengdu/China (30.10.-1.11.2017), BOKU was accepted as the 5th European university as associated member of HUC, which is associated with ICIMOD (International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development).

Consequently, BOKU scientists can participate in all HUC activities. HUC ( comprises 62 universities (50 full members of the 8 countries in the Himalaya region and 12 associated members, among others Norwegian University of Life SCiences, United Nations University Japan). During the Annual conference, several working groups were formed, which are now open also for participation from BOKU employees: (i) mountain agriculture, (ii) water, (iii) natural disasters and resilience, (iv) climate change, (v) trans-Himalayan environmental humanities, (vi) non-traditional securities along Himalayas & beyond (including food security), (vi) plant genetic resources and biodiversity, (vii) livelihoods and poverty reduction.
In case of interest, please contact margarita.calderon-peter(at)
