ACS Catalysis cover for BioToP alumni

A publication by Irene Schaffner (Department of Chemistry, BOKU Vienna) and Georg Mlynek (Department of Structural and Computational Biology, University of Vienna) was chosen as cover story for the November issue of the scientific journal ACS Catalysis. The research was conducted in the course of the PhD Program "Biomolecular Technology of Proteins - BioToP".

The corresponding article with the title "Molecular mechanism of enzymatic chlorite degradation: insights from structural and kinetic studies" deals with a novel heme enzyme that is able to efficiently detoxify the environmental pollutant chlorite while producing breathable oxygen. In order to create a basis for future biotechnological applications, a series of biochemical and biophysical methods were used to understand the mechanistic details of the underlying reaction.
Website of the doctoral school BioToP:
Link to publication:
