Young Scientist Award

Dr. Dipl.Ing. Katharina Lapin from the Institute of Botany of the Department of Integrative Biology and Biodiversity Research (DIB) has been awarded with the Young Scientist Award for her talk at the at the 3rd International Conference Water resources and wetlands, Tulcea, SEPT 8-10, 2016.

Her presentation themed: "Monitoring of invasive alien plant species: Prospects for ecological river restoration practice" shows the impact of invasive alien plant species for the success of river restorations. With her presentation Katharina Lapin shared practical information about the river restoration management within the Life+ Traisen project, in Lower Austria. She focused on the effects of the restoration processes on the spread of invasive alien plant species and on plant diversity in a greater area in comparison to the vegetation development in the newly created river channel.

The objectives of the conference were based on the need to integrate various approaches and angles in the research of inland and sea waters in order to establish sustainable ways of solving present and future problems generated by the ever more intensive use of water resources for human activities.
