ERASMUS+ event – Capacity Building in Higher Education

A public networking event, organized by project EDULIVE (Division of Livestock Sciences, BOKU)

As part of the EU-project EDULIVE - Transforming Higher Education to strengthen links between universities and the livestock sector in Argentina and Peru, eight project partners from South America will visit BOKU from October 16 to 20. To make the most of this visit, the coordinators – Dr. Maria Wurzinger (Division of Livestock Sciences) and Sarah Eichelberg – organized a public Erasmus+ event on October 17th: "ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education. What can we learn from each other?".
A great opportunity for project coordinators, authorities involved and people interested in Erasmus+ funding or international projects to exchange experience and expectations. The buffet after the presentations also offers a great space for networking.

When: October 17th, 2017. 3-6pm
Where: House oead, Ebendorferstraße 7, 1010 Wien

15.00 Opening by Mag. Gerhard Volz (OeAD)
15.10 Opening by Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Andreas Melcher (BOKU – Center for Development Research)
15.20 ERASMUS+ overview by Martina Friedrich (OeAD)
15.50 ERASMUS+ movie
16.00 ERASMUS+ at BOKU by Margarita Calderón-Peter (BOKU – Center for International Relations)
16.30 BREAK
16.45 short project presentations (15 minutes each)
. Latin American-European network on waste electrical and electronic equipment research, development and analyses (LaWEEEda) – Roland Ramusch
. South East Asia Academy of Beverage Technology (SEA-ABT) – Rainer Svacinka
. EDULIVE – Transforming Higher Education to strengthen links between universities and the livestock sector in Argentina and Peru – Maria Wurzinger/Sarah Eichelberg
17.45 Closing remarks
18.00 Social gathering and buffet until 20.00
Entry is free, please register at sarah.eichelberg[at]
Find the program here.
