Joachim Wegener

Prof. Wegener is guest at the Department of Biotechnology where he will execute a course on "Cell Based Bioanalytics".

Joachim Wegener studied chemistry at the University of Muenster (Germany), where he received his diploma and PhD. The University of Regensburg appointed Prof. Wegener as Professor for Biosensors & Bioanalytics in 2008. His research interests are focused on the development of non-invasive whole-cell biosensors . Experimental studies using human or animal cells play an outstanding role in all areas of basic or applied biomedical research. These types of studies are referred to as cell-based assays. The cells are isolated from the different organs or tissues of the donor organism before they get expanded and cultured in a laboratory environment providing a living model system to perform experiments even in high throughput without using animals.

Prof. Wegener´s course will cover the fundamental principles of cell-based assays as a routine technique for drug screening and toxicity assessment in vitro as it is used throughout the life sciences today. A focus will be placed on label-free non-invasive approaches to monitor mammalian cells along such assays as a new paradigm in bioanalysis: effect-directed analysis (eda) instead of conventional concentration analysis. The seminar will summarize the most important experimental approaches, their pros and cons. In the final part it will provided the theoretical background for the lab work that is part of this course. The lab comprises hands-on experiments to evaluate the toxicity of cigarette smoke and a cosmetic additive. In the second part an impedance-based assay to monitor cell surface receptor activation will be applied to record a pharmacological profile of the histamine receptor as a potential drug target.
