Mobility funding options for BOKU PhD students

Join this info session specifically addressing PhD students to learn about funding possibilities for research, teaching and training abroad.

Doing your PhD studies at BOKU? Ever thought to increase your international experience by spending some time doing research as part of your thesis outside of Austria or going to international conferences? But you are not sure on how to get this financed?

If yes, join this info session and you will get an overview on funding options available. In addition, some BOKU doctoral students will tell you about their mobility experience.

Funding programmes presented will include:

  • KUWI
  • MARSHALL PLAN Scholarships
  • BOKU “Förderstipendium” (Need-based Scholarships)
  • … and many more…

Please note: This info session is for PhD students only!

When:             Wednesday, 16th of October, 3 - 5 pm
Where:           Wilhelm Exner Haus, Lecture hall EH02 (EXNH-01/25)
                        Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1180 Vienna

Presentation by Mag. Gudrun Reisinger, CIR

Organised by the Center of International Relations (CIR) & BOKU DocService

Contact: docservice(at)
