First "online visiting professor" at the AGH

Due to the restrictions of Covid-19, Prof. Toca-Herrera (Department of Nanobiotechnology) became the first virtual guest professor at AGH-Krakow. This novel collaboration format opens new perspectives in teaching and research exchange with the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science of AGH-University.


Toca-Herrera taught a course entitled “Self-organized colloidal systems and their technological applications” (6 ECTS) in the frame of the Doctoral School "Physical, Chemical and Biophysical Foundations of Modern Technologies and Materials Engineering" (financed by the EU, Project POWR.03.02.00-00-I004/16).

The course was addressed to PhD students of the Jagiellonian University, AGH-University, and the Polish Academy of Sciences.

The AGH-university has currently about 27000 students, who are taught and mentored by 1845 teachers (among them 136 full professors and 271 associate professors), and ranks among the fifth best universities in Poland.
