The 2022 ACS CELL Division Graduate Student Award has been awarded to Paul Jusner

Paul Jusner from the Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources received the graduate student award 2022 of the American Chemical Society CELL Division for his dissertation.

The American Chemical Society (ACS) CELL Divison honors one graduate student each year for special achievements in cellulose and renewable materials research. This year the prestigious award went to Paul Jusner from the Institute of Chemistry of Renewable Resources, which was announced officially during the ACS spring meeting 2022 in San Diego (20.3.2022 – 24.3.2022).

His PhD thesis, supervised by Thomas Rosenau,  addresses the aging processes causing degradation of cellulose and paper at elevated temperatures. The focus of the PhD work is on thermally induced structural changes on the molecular and supramolecular level and on potentially hazardous interactions during processing of biomass. Paul Jusner is enrolled in the doctoral school Advanced Biorefineries: Chemistry and Materials (ABC&M). His project is funded by the Austrian Biorefinery Center Tulln (ABCT) and conducted in close cooperation with Mondi Frantschach GmbH.
