BOKU and Japan - Cooperation in the past and future

On the initiative of Rector Eva Schulev-Steindl and Wolfgang Mazal (Co-Chair of the Japanese-Austrian Committee for Future Affairs, University of Vienna and Kyoto University), an event on BOKU's cooperation with Japanese universities was held on 14 April 2022 in the presence of H.E. the Japanese Ambassador, Akira Mizutani, as part of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna.

After a review presented by Johannes Hübl (BOKU) on the beginnings of the cooperation, for which the foundation stone was laid as early as 1900 in the Department of Alpine Natural Hazards, and the further history in the field of bioprocess engineering, Marianne Penker (BOKU) presented 10 years of research on sustainable rural development in cooperation with Ryo Kohsaka from the University of Tokyo and Yuta Uchyiama from Kobe University. Afterwards, Thomas Rosenau (BOKU) together with Kanji Kajiwara from Shinshu University explained the cooperation in the Doctoral School Advanced Biorefineries, Chemistry and Materials.

In the following panel discussion, in which Takashi Goto, a doctoral student of Thomas Rosenau, was also present, the challenges of a stay abroad for Austrian guest researchers in Japan as well as Japanese students in Austria were highlighted, and promising ideas for future joint projects were discussed. An overview of scholarships and funding opportunities for teaching and research projects as well as closing remarks by the Rector rounded off the event.

For those who could not attend the livestream, the complete event recording with all presentations can be found at BOKU and Japan - Co-operation in Past and Future - YouTube

If you are also interested in cooperations with the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences Vienna and our Japanese partner universities Shinshu University, University of Kyoto and Kyoto Prefectural University as well as the project partners at the Universities of Tokyo or Kobe University, to mention just a few, please contact international(at) or have a look at our website
