Great recognition

Great recognition for a BOKU scientist: Univ.Prof. Ulrike Pröbstl-Haider (Institute of Landscape Development, Recreation and Conservation Planning) was appointed to the newly constituted advisory board "Environment and Sport" of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV). Congratulations!

The Advisory Council has been an important advisory body to the German Federal Government since 1994 and consists of 14 honorary members appointed for the current legislative period. At the same time, the Advisory Council is also an important communication platform for the concerns of environmental protection, conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in sport. In this legislative period, the Advisory Council will mainly deal with issues of sustainability in major sporting events and in the development of sports facilities, with sustainability and environmental strategies in sports organisations, with activity management in nature and landscape, and with strengthening environmental education.

Its tasks include:

- Observation and evaluation of new developments in nature- and landscape-related recreational sports and their effects on nature and landscape.

- Developing recommendations for action to promote physical activity in urban areas and more physical activity in everyday life and leisure time in general.

- Development of ideas and initiatives for sustainable sports facility development and for sustainably organised (large-scale) sports events.

- Advising the Federal Ministry for the Environment in these areas, identifying relevant research needs and evaluating current research results.

Official press release: 
