Advanced Cell Culture Technologies
v.l.n.r. Dr. Dominik Egger (BOKU), PD Dr. Antonina Lavrentieva (Leibniz Universität Hannover), Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Chem. Dr. Cornelia Kasper (BOKU), Präsidentin der ÖGMBT Univ.-Prof. Dr. Viktoria Weber (Universität für Weiterbildung Krems), Prof. Dr. Jan Hansmann (Technische Hochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt). Copyright Sarah Mühlbacher.
The keynote lectures by PD Dr. Lavrentieva (Leibniz Universität Hannover) and Prof. Dr. Hansmann (Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg) gave unique insights into advanced 3D cell culture technologies and potential application of automation and artificial intelligence in research.
In inspiring discussion sessions on "Hydrogels in 3D Cell Culture", "Primary Cells of the Future", "Automation and Artificial Intelligence", "Monitoring of 3D Cell Culture Systems" and "Dynamic Culture Systems and Processes", participants exchanged views on current challenges in their research fields and discussed forward-looking approaches to solutions.
A very lively poster session in the afternoon rounded up the program and allowed for further scientific exchange. We warmly congratulate the two winners of the poster award Sonya Ciulean (Fraunhofer IZI, Leipzig) and Julia Moldaschl (BOKU).
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Kasper, Dr. Dominik Egger and Dr. Farhad Chariyev-Prinz, who organized the event on the part of BOKU with the support of ÖGMBT were very satisfied. "We received a lot of positive feedback about this format and we are very happy that we could offer a “live” workshop again after the long Corona break," said Prof. Kasper.
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