ILAP successfully hosted the [STUDENT BIP] 2024/25

[STUDENT BIP] – an Erasmus Blended Intensive Programme about "Sustainable Urban Development – Liveable Quarters, blue-green Infrastructures and Active Mobility“

From October 14th to 18th, participants from three European universities, representing three different planning disciplines (architecture, civil engineering, and landscape planning), and a total of eight nationalities gathered at BOKU. In this interdisciplinary and intercultural setting, students developed planning ideas for the urban quarter Muthgasse in Vienna.

Under the guidance of Dr. Florian Reinwald and Sophie Thiel (Landscape Planning at BOKU), Prof. Dr. Brigitte Wotha and Kay Lengert (Civil Engineering at Kiel University of Applied Sciences), and Prof. Julia Deltoro Soto and Inés Novella Abril (Architecture at UPV), participants identified opportunities and challenges within the Muthgasse neighborhood. The intensive working sessions were complemented by a diverse social and cultural program.

The [STUDENT BIP] students will continue to collaborate in interdisciplinary groups online to develop their project concepts until December.
