50 years of forestry research

On December 10, BOKU University and IUFRO invite you to a special public lecture by renowned forestry expert Michael Kleine.

Under the title “50 Years of Forest-Related Research and Development in International Cooperation - Personal Experiences and Critical Review”, Michael Kleine will highlight key milestones and challenges from five decades of international cooperation in forest-related research and development.

Date and time: December 10, 2024, 10:00 am
Location: BOKU University, Ilse-Wallentin-Haus (ILWA), ground floor seminar room SR-29
Peter-Jordan-Straße 82, 1190 Vienna
and in the livestream

The lecture will be followed by a lunch buffet.

A life for international forest research and sustainable development

The lecture provides exciting insights into the personal and professional development of Michael Kleine and at the same time pays tribute to his many years of work for the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO). As the long-standing head of the Special Program for Capacity Development (SPDC) and Deputy Executive Director of IUFRO, Kleine has made a significant contribution to international forest research. He will continue his new responsibilities as Senior Advisor.

Kleine can look back on an impressive career: as a graduate of BOKU with a doctorate and habilitation, he has been involved in development cooperation projects in Asia and Africa since the 1980s. His work covers topics such as sustainable forest management, forest certification, forest sector policy and the restoration of forest landscapes. In addition to his practical work, Kleine was involved as an external lecturer in BOKU's “Mountain Forestry” master's program.

About the lecture:

Based on concrete evaluation results and personal anecdotes, a journey through time from the 1970s to today is offered. The focus will be on the achievements and challenges of bilateral and multilateral cooperation programs. The lecture promises a critical, informative and at the same time personal review of an eventful time at the intersection of science, practice and intercultural cooperation.

This lecture offers a unique opportunity to learn more about the development of international forest science and to meet one of the leading experts in the field.

Registration for on-site attendance: Register Here

Online participation: Zoom Meeting Registration Link: Zoom Meeting Registration Link

Organizer: Institute of Silviculture of the BOKU and IUFRO. 
