10th BOKU Sustainability Day

During the BOKU Sustainability Day, Eleonora Charlotte Pichler and Ulrich Sukop from the Department of Food Science and Technology won first prize.

Trend-setting sustainable cereal processing at the Department of Food Science and Technology!

Eleonora P. focused on the sustainable utilization of oat husks to optimize gluten-free baked goods both nutritionally and technologically. By using micronized oat husks (5-20%), the fiber and phenolic acid profile of the products was significantly enhanced. Additionally, she compared conventional baking methods with the innovative and more sustainable Ohmic heating, demonstrating that gluten-free baked goods' quality could be substantially improved.

Ulrich S. presented the microbiological characterization of Einkorn sourdoughs and the influence of the microbiota on physical and chemical parameters. Einkorn, an ancient and niche grain, is known for its sustainable cultivation, protein- and fiber-rich nutrient profile, and high levels of bioactive substances. His Master’s Thesis provided valuable insights into the complexity of sourdoughs and their potential to minimize processing challenges such as dough stickiness in Einkorn.

We congratulate the winners and thank them for their diverse insights into food science and technology.
