2021 - Assoc. Prof. Lucas-Alba
Assoc. Prof. Antonio Lucas-Alba
Assoc. Prof. Lucas-Alba (University of Zaragoza, Spain) studied Psychology at the University of Valencia, where he also obtained his PhD with a work entitled “Social Psychology of Traffic: from the individual driver to the interaction between drivers”. He worked for 10 years doing research on road safety collaborating mainly with the “Direccion General de Trafico” of the Spanish Government. His work was awarded by the European Commission.
During his virtual stay at BOKU Prof. Lucas-Alba will teach the following course (VO, 803010): Understanding and modelling human motion.
This course is a round trip. The starting point is the movement of the waves in vehicle traffic, pedestrians, bicycles ..., and the role that human beings play, contributing either to the stability or instability of the flows.
This role will be analyzed using different types of graphic simulators. Can a single driver change the dynamics of traffic flows? The answer is yes, of course, but how? ... this learning will also be acquired in the course.
We will extend the concept of mobility to other scientific fields looking for similarities.