Infrastructure and Facilities BOKU-StartDepartment of Natural Sciences and Sustainable ResourcesInstitute of Chemistry of Renewable ResourcesInfrastructure and Facilities This page is available under these URLs: The Institute of Chemistry of Renewables is equipped with the following devices and facilities: Spectroscopy NMR 400 MHz, liquid samples (Bruker) with nitrogen-cooled cryoprobe NMR 400 MHz, liquid and solid samples (Bruker) FT-IR spectrometer with ATR-sampling device (Perkin Elmer) NIR with integrated sphere and fibre optics (Bruker) Fluorescence spectrometer (Horiba) UV/VIS spectrometer (Hitachi), including high-temperature unit, Ulbricht sphere for sheets UV/VIS spectrometer (Perkin Elmer) Q-ToF MS (Waters Xevo G2) with ESI, APCI and ESCi source for DESI, ASAP and hyphenation with UPC2 and UHPLC (Waters I-Class) DESI (Prosolia/Waters) with 2D sample stage Custom-built Paperspray sample stage Chromatography GPC and APC systems with MALLS, RI, DRI, Fluorescence, UV-DAD (Agilent, Waters, Dionex, Shodex, Wyatt) Asymmetric-flow field-flow fractionation (Wyatt) Dynamic light scattering detector (Wyatt) UPC2 with DAD and hyphenation to Q-ToF MS (Waters) GC-MS/FID (Agilent): liquid samples, SPME, headspace sampling and online derivatization (PAL-Systems) GC-MS/FID (Agilent): liquid samples GC-MS (Agilent): closed loop headspace sampling GC-FID (Agilent): liquid samples GC-FID/ECD (Agilent): liquid samples PAL systems for sample preparation and GC sampling (PAL, Agilent) Isocratic and gradient HPLC systems with UV-DAD, UV, RI, FI, ELSD (Agilent, Dionex, Kontron, Sedere) Preparative HPLC (Knauer) HPTLC system with automated sampler, humidity controlled chamber, documentation and spectral scanning (Camag) Miscellaneous Glass ware for synthesis and extraction Centrifuges, lyophilization, high-vacuum capabilities Supercritical CO2 system (Separex) Microwave reactor with pressure, extraction and gas modules (MLS) Automated Titration (Metrohm) Ultrasonic reactor with different sonotrodes, flow cell and vial sonication capability (Hielscher) Homogenizer (IKA) Lyophilizers (Christ) High-pressure and hydrogenation apparatus with online monitoring (Parr) Autoclaves (Parr) with PC monitoring unit H-Cube Pro hydrogenation flow reactor (Thales Nano) Kugelrohr glass oven (Büchi) Spin coater (Laurell) Ozoniser (BBC) Melting point microscope Cryo mill (Retsch) Muffle furnace (Nabertherm) Climate chamber with heat, light and humidity control (Q-Sun) Computational chemistry packages (Gaussian, Wavefunction) Software for data evaluation data (ACD/Labs, Agilent, Bruker, customized Toolboxes programed in Matlab, Dionex, Originlab, Wyatt) Wrinkle tester (custom built) Aerosol generator (ZfB) Accelerated solvent extractor (Dionex) Custom build stills for solvent redistillation 3D printers: Prusa Mk3s with MMU2 (FDM), Phrozen Sonic Mini 4k (SLA)