Who do I contact with which concerns?

To ensure that information can also be provided in the event of substitution, we ask that correspondence and the transmission of documents and papers only be handled via the addresses provided (not via the personal e-⁠mail addresses). This way, your request will be processed reliably by the team, even if individual staff members are out of office.


  • Please write to: nwnr-organisation(at)boku.ac.at for all requests regarding organizational matters, including the need for signatures by the head of department.
  • Your concerns will be dealt with by: Martina Chobot

Teaching, course survey, examination administration

  • Organization, administration and monitoring of teaching and examination procedures. BOKUonline exam management/exam planning and exam results, semester planning, scheduling and room coordination for exams, teaching assignments of the department (external and internal tutors/lecturers)
  • Please write to: nwnr-lehre(at)boku.ac.at
  • Your concerns will be dealt with by: Luzia Kneisz


  • Processing of decentralized bookings at the department for all projects; administration, budget planning and controlling for third-party funding; planning and controlling of the material and investment budget
  • Please write to: nwnr-finanzen(at)boku.ac.at
  • Your concerns will be dealt with by: Sonja Ringhofer, Tiziana Fresu


Head of Department and Management

  • Please send all requests concerning the department head and/or management to: nwnr-leitung(at)boku.ac.at
  • This ensures that in the event of the absence of the head of department or the department manager, an appropriate replacement arrangement is in place.

Web presence of the department (TYPO3)

  • Please write to: nwnr-webauftritt(at)boku.ac.at
  • Your requests will be dealt with by: Robert Wiedermann, Tiziana Fresu
  • If possible, please include the link to the relevant page in your request so that we can be sure that we are talking about the same page :-).

IT topics, departmental IT manager

  • The IT support at your workplace will not change as a result of the department merger. Please continue to contact your usual IT contact persons, IT managers (EDV-Verantwortliche) or ITSG staff.
  • For conceptual and cross-institute IT issues, the department IT manager will be happy to assist you: Robert Wiedermann
  • Please write to: nwnr-it-themen(at)boku.ac.at
  • BOKU-IT-Services related workshops can also be organized.