Courses BOKU-StartDepartment of Natural Sciences and Sustainable ResourcesCourses This page is available under these URLs: Course nr Title Credits Course nr TYP ECTS Title Winter term 2024/25 770001 VO Chemica glycobiology 2 770001 VO 2 Chemica glycobiology 770100 VO General and inorganic chemistry (AS) 3 770100 VO 3 General and inorganic chemistry (AS) 770102 UE Practical course in chemistry for students of agriculture (AS) 4 770102 UE 4 Practical course in chemistry for students of agriculture (AS) 770113 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 770113 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 770114 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 770114 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 770150 VO General chemistry 3 770150 VO 3 General chemistry 770151 VO General chemistry 3 770151 VO 3 General chemistry 770152 VO General chemistry 3 770152 VO 3 General chemistry 771004 SE Doctoral seminar in analytical chemistry 2 771004 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in analytical chemistry 771040 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 771040 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 771100 VO Introduction into general and analytical chemistry 3 771100 VO 3 Introduction into general and analytical chemistry 771102 UE Introduction to general chemistry, practical course 2 771102 UE 2 Introduction to general chemistry, practical course 771105 UE Practial course in classical analytical chemistry 7 771105 UE 7 Practial course in classical analytical chemistry 771106 UE Practical course in instrumental analytical and physical chemistry 6 771106 UE 6 Practical course in instrumental analytical and physical chemistry 771109 VO General and physical chemistry 3 771109 VO 3 General and physical chemistry 771118 VU Calculation in chemistry I 1 771118 VU 1 Calculation in chemistry I 771401 VU Emerging analytical tools for bioprocesses (in Eng.) 1 771401 VU 1 Emerging analytical tools for bioprocesses (in Eng.) 772003 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 772003 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 772011 VO Opportunities and challenges in glycoproteome analysis (in Eng.) 1 772011 VO 1 Opportunities and challenges in glycoproteome analysis (in Eng.) 772015 SE Doctoral seminar in biochemistry 2 772015 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in biochemistry 772016 VS Selected topics in molecular glycobiology 2 772016 VS 2 Selected topics in molecular glycobiology 772099 VO Blood and blood coagulation 1 772099 VO 1 Blood and blood coagulation 772108 VO Fundamentals of biochemistry 4 772108 VO 4 Fundamentals of biochemistry 772112 UE Practical course in biochemistry I 5 772112 UE 5 Practical course in biochemistry I 772305 UE Practical course in biochemistry II 5 772305 UE 5 Practical course in biochemistry II 772307 VO Glycobiology 3 772307 VO 3 Glycobiology 772309 VO Biochemistry of trace elements 3 772309 VO 3 Biochemistry of trace elements 772312 VO Plant biochemistry 2 772312 VO 2 Plant biochemistry 772328 VU Methods in protein characterization 4 772328 VU 4 Methods in protein characterization 772401 VO Basic course I - analysis, design and engineering of proteins 3 772401 VO 3 Basic course I - analysis, design and engineering of proteins 772409 UE Instructional course IA - spectroscopic analysis of proteins (in Eng.) 3 772409 UE 3 Instructional course IA - spectroscopic analysis of proteins (in Eng.) 772419 SE Doctoral seminar BioToP I (in Eng.) 1 772419 SE 1 Doctoral seminar BioToP I (in Eng.) 773108 UE Practical course in organic chemistry 3 773108 UE 3 Practical course in organic chemistry 773113 VO Organic chemistry for LBT 4 773113 VO 4 Organic chemistry for LBT 773114 UE Practical course in organic chemistry 3 773114 UE 3 Practical course in organic chemistry 773300 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 773300 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 773401 SE Doctoral seminar in bioorganic chemistry 2 773401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in bioorganic chemistry 774011 VO Current advances in biorefineries 2 774011 VO 2 Current advances in biorefineries 774016 VU Circular Economy in Textiles 2 774016 VU 2 Circular Economy in Textiles 774110 VO Biomaterial chemistry 2 774110 VO 2 Biomaterial chemistry 774301 VO Chemistry and technology of sustainable resources 2 774301 VO 2 Chemistry and technology of sustainable resources 774304 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 774304 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 774314 VO Biopolymers for sustainable utilization 2 774314 VO 2 Biopolymers for sustainable utilization 774326 VO Chemicals from biomass 2 774326 VO 2 Chemicals from biomass 774327 VO Chemistry and technology of polymers 2 774327 VO 2 Chemistry and technology of polymers 774402 SE Presenters club 1 774402 SE 1 Presenters club 774404 SE Doctoral seminar renewable resources 2 774404 SE 2 Doctoral seminar renewable resources 774406 SE Scientific tools for ABC&M I 3 774406 SE 3 Scientific tools for ABC&M I 774410 VU Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 3 774410 VU 3 Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 800101 SE Bachelor seminar in bionanosciences 12 800101 SE 12 Bachelor seminar in bionanosciences 800301 SE Master's thesis seminar bionanosciences 2 800301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar bionanosciences 800401 SE Doctoral seminar bionanosciences 2 800401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar bionanosciences 802008 VO Fundamentals of Colloid and Interface Science 2 802008 VO 2 Fundamentals of Colloid and Interface Science 802300 VO Biological nanosciences and nanotechnology 2 802300 VO 2 Biological nanosciences and nanotechnology 802402 SE Seminar biologically inspired materials and interfaces 2 802402 SE 2 Seminar biologically inspired materials and interfaces 803110 VO Biointerfaces, biomaterials and biophysics in nanobiosciences 2 803110 VO 2 Biointerfaces, biomaterials and biophysics in nanobiosciences 803301 VO Biophysics 4 803301 VO 4 Biophysics 803304 SE Seminar in nanobiosciences and nanotechnology I 2 803304 SE 2 Seminar in nanobiosciences and nanotechnology I 803400 SE Doctoral seminar BioMatInt III 1 803400 SE 1 Doctoral seminar BioMatInt III 803402 VS Seminar biological physics I (Mathematics and classical physics) 2 803402 VS 2 Seminar biological physics I (Mathematics and classical physics) 835001 SE Research Seminar on number theoretic analysis and applied mathematics 1 835001 SE 1 Research Seminar on number theoretic analysis and applied mathematics 835002 VU Tutorial for Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 1.5 835002 VU 1.5 Tutorial for Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 835057 UE Additional exercises for Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 1.5 835057 UE 1.5 Additional exercises for Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 835062 VO Tutorial for Mathematics (food science and biotechnology) 1 835062 VO 1 Tutorial for Mathematics (food science and biotechnology) 835080 VO Tutorial for Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 1 835080 VO 1 Tutorial for Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 835091 VO Tutorial for Mathematics I (forestry, wood and fibre technology) 1 835091 VO 1 Tutorial for Mathematics I (forestry, wood and fibre technology) 835096 UE Additional exercises for Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 1.5 835096 UE 1.5 Additional exercises for Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 835100 VO Mathematics (food science and biotechnology) 3 835100 VO 3 Mathematics (food science and biotechnology) 835101 UE Mathematics exercises (food science and biotechnology) 2 835101 UE 2 Mathematics exercises (food science and biotechnology) 835103 VU Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 4.5 835103 VU 4.5 Mathematics (agricultural sciences) 835104 VU Mathematics I (forestry, wood and fibre technology) 3 835104 VU 3 Mathematics I (forestry, wood and fibre technology) 835106 VU Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 2 835106 VU 2 Mathematics I (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 835113 VU A first course in CAD 2 835113 VU 2 A first course in CAD 851016 VU First Steps with R 1 851016 VU 1 First Steps with R 851100 VU Applied statistics 2 851100 VU 2 Applied statistics 851300 VS Statistical data analysis with SPSS 3 851300 VS 3 Statistical data analysis with SPSS 851303 VU Advanced statistical methods for wildlife research 3 851303 VU 3 Advanced statistical methods for wildlife research 851307 VU Advanced statistical methods 3 851307 VU 3 Advanced statistical methods 851309 VU Statistics with R 2 851309 VU 2 Statistics with R 851314 VO Applied mathematics and biostatistics 2 851314 VO 2 Applied mathematics and biostatistics 851315 UE Applied mathematics and biostatistics exercises 1 851315 UE 1 Applied mathematics and biostatistics exercises 851320 VS Statistics of extreme events and geostatistics 3 851320 VS 3 Statistics of extreme events and geostatistics 851324 PJ Big data 2 851324 PJ 2 Big data 851325 VS Exploratory data analysis with R 3 851325 VS 3 Exploratory data analysis with R 851401 VU Introduction to statistical learning with R 3 851401 VU 3 Introduction to statistical learning with R 851402 UE Instructional course IVD - applied statistics for life sciences 3 851402 UE 3 Instructional course IVD - applied statistics for life sciences 890301 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 890301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 890302 SE Master's thesis seminar on materials and processes 2 890302 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar on materials and processes 890400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 890400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 890401 SE Doctoral seminar on materials and processes 2 890401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar on materials and processes 891011 VS Current challenges and trends targeting wood industry 2 891011 VS 2 Current challenges and trends targeting wood industry 891102 VU Natural fibres and natural-fibre materials 5 891102 VU 5 Natural fibres and natural-fibre materials 891103 VO Wood chemistry 3 891103 VO 3 Wood chemistry 891107 UE Wood physics laboratory 3 891107 UE 3 Wood physics laboratory 891109 UE Technology of wood - laboratory 3 891109 UE 3 Technology of wood - laboratory 891112 VU Technical drawing 2 891112 VU 2 Technical drawing 891118 VX Occupational science 2 891118 VX 2 Occupational science 891119 SE Utilisation of renewable materials 3 891119 SE 3 Utilisation of renewable materials 891122 VO Wood processing 2 891122 VO 2 Wood processing 891125 SE Compulsory internship seminar 3 891125 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar 891170 UE Wood physics laboratory 2 891170 UE 2 Wood physics laboratory 891309 UE Wood industry laboratory 3 891309 UE 3 Wood industry laboratory 891310 EX Specialised field trip II 1.5 891310 EX 1.5 Specialised field trip II 891323 VS Life-cycle analysis of wood and natural-fibre products 1 891323 VS 1 Life-cycle analysis of wood and natural-fibre products 891325 VU Research design 2 891325 VU 2 Research design 891326 VO Wood industrial processes: solid wood processing (HTM) 3 891326 VO 3 Wood industrial processes: solid wood processing (HTM) 891327 VO Wood-industrial processes: Wood- and fibre-based materials 2 891327 VO 2 Wood-industrial processes: Wood- and fibre-based materials 891328 VO Wood cutting, milling, moulding 2 891328 VO 2 Wood cutting, milling, moulding 891330 VO Technology of wood processing 1 891330 VO 1 Technology of wood processing 891331 UE Technology of wood processing 2 891331 UE 2 Technology of wood processing 891332 SE Compulsory internship seminar - wood technology and management 3 891332 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar - wood technology and management 891333 VO Composite 2 891333 VO 2 Composite 891334 VO Engineered wood products 2 891334 VO 2 Engineered wood products 891336 VU Wood materials modification 2 891336 VU 2 Wood materials modification 891338 VO Wood and fibre quality 2 891338 VO 2 Wood and fibre quality 891340 VO Manufactoring systems 2 891340 VO 2 Manufactoring systems 891347 VS Product design 2 891347 VS 2 Product design 891354 VO Wood industrial processes: solid wood processing (GBE) 2 891354 VO 2 Wood industrial processes: solid wood processing (GBE) 891401 VO Biorefinery II 3 891401 VO 3 Biorefinery II 891404 EX PhD Excursion ABC&M 4 891404 EX 4 PhD Excursion ABC&M 891407 SE Doctoral Seminar II Build.Nature 1 891407 SE 1 Doctoral Seminar II Build.Nature 892044 UE Physical practical course for food- and biotechnology 1.5 892044 UE 1.5 Physical practical course for food- and biotechnology 892045 UE Physics (HNT) 1.5 892045 UE 1.5 Physics (HNT) 892100 VO Physics for UIW 3 892100 VO 3 Physics for UIW 892101 VO Introduction to materials 2 892101 VO 2 Introduction to materials 892104 VO Physics for food- and biotechnology 3 892104 VO 3 Physics for food- and biotechnology 892105 VO Physics (UBRM) 3 892105 VO 3 Physics (UBRM) 892106 UE Physics (UBRM) 2 892106 UE 2 Physics (UBRM) 892108 VO Physics (HNT) 3 892108 VO 3 Physics (HNT) 892111 UE Physical practical course for environmental sciences and civil engineering 1 892111 UE 1 Physical practical course for environmental sciences and civil engineering 892306 VO Building physics 3 892306 VO 3 Building physics 892313 UE Building physics 3 892313 UE 3 Building physics 892319 VO Building materials 2 892319 VO 2 Building materials 892325 VO Bionics - technical solutions from nature 2 892325 VO 2 Bionics - technical solutions from nature 892327 VU Bionic design 2 892327 VU 2 Bionic design 893100 VU Introduction to process engineering 2 893100 VU 2 Introduction to process engineering 893107 SE Bachelor´s thesis seminar 12 893107 SE 12 Bachelor´s thesis seminar 893126 VU Process Engineering I 2 893126 VU 2 Process Engineering I 893128 PR Practical course in process engineering 3 893128 PR 3 Practical course in process engineering 893133 VO Heat and mass transfer 5 893133 VO 5 Heat and mass transfer 893306 PR Practical course in energy engineering 3 893306 PR 3 Practical course in energy engineering 893308 VU Applied measurement and control systems 3 893308 VU 3 Applied measurement and control systems 893311 VX Renewable energy resources 3 893311 VX 3 Renewable energy resources 893313 VO Separation processes for renewable resources 2 893313 VO 2 Separation processes for renewable resources 893314 VO Mechanical and thermal process technology II 2 893314 VO 2 Mechanical and thermal process technology II 893315 VO Refrigeration and air-conditioning 3 893315 VO 3 Refrigeration and air-conditioning 893323 SE Seminar on energy economics 3 893323 SE 3 Seminar on energy economics 893326 VO Energy economics 3 893326 VO 3 Energy economics 893329 VU Fluidization engineering 4 893329 VU 4 Fluidization engineering 893330 VO Energy efficient heating, cooling and hot water supply of buildings 3 893330 VO 3 Energy efficient heating, cooling and hot water supply of buildings 893331 VO Building technology and smart building engineering 3 893331 VO 3 Building technology and smart building engineering 893402 SE Journal club BioproEng III .5 893402 SE .5 Journal club BioproEng III 894004 VU Programming with Python (advanced) 3 894004 VU 3 Programming with Python (advanced) 894101 VO Introduction to bioinformatics 2 894101 VO 2 Introduction to bioinformatics 894307 VU Statistical thermodynamics and molecular simulation 3 894307 VU 3 Statistical thermodynamics and molecular simulation 894498 SE Improve your presentation skills I 2 894498 SE 2 Improve your presentation skills I 894499 SE Improve your presentation skills II 2 894499 SE 2 Improve your presentation skills II Summer term 2025 770101 VO Organic chemistry and biochemistry (AS) 4.5 770101 VO 4.5 Organic chemistry and biochemistry (AS) 770102 UE Practical course in chemistry for students of agriculture (AS) 4 770102 UE 4 Practical course in chemistry for students of agriculture (AS) 770114 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 770114 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 770152 VO General chemistry 3 770152 VO 3 General chemistry 771004 SE Doctoral seminar in analytical chemistry 2 771004 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in analytical chemistry 771040 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 771040 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 771100 VO Introduction into general and analytical chemistry 3 771100 VO 3 Introduction into general and analytical chemistry 771102 UE Introduction to general chemistry, practical course 2 771102 UE 2 Introduction to general chemistry, practical course 771105 UE Practial course in classical analytical chemistry 7 771105 UE 7 Practial course in classical analytical chemistry 771106 UE Practical course in instrumental analytical and physical chemistry 6 771106 UE 6 Practical course in instrumental analytical and physical chemistry 771108 VO Analytical chemistry 4 771108 VO 4 Analytical chemistry 771118 VU Calculation in chemistry I 1 771118 VU 1 Calculation in chemistry I 771303 VO Environmental and biotechnological analysis 3 771303 VO 3 Environmental and biotechnological analysis 771316 VU Calculation in chemistry II 1 771316 VU 1 Calculation in chemistry II 771317 VU Separation science and mass spectrometry 3 771317 VU 3 Separation science and mass spectrometry 771318 UE Laboratory course on separation science and mass spectrometry 4 771318 UE 4 Laboratory course on separation science and mass spectrometry 771319 VS Determination of provenance and authenticity of food and food products by modern analytical methods 3 771319 VS 3 Determination of provenance and authenticity of food and food products by modern analytical methods 772003 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 772003 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 772007 VO The molecular mechanisms of cancer immunotherapies 2 772007 VO 2 The molecular mechanisms of cancer immunotherapies 772015 SE Doctoral seminar in biochemistry 2 772015 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in biochemistry 772017 VS Seminar in glycobiology 2 772017 VS 2 Seminar in glycobiology 772112 UE Practical course in biochemistry I 5 772112 UE 5 Practical course in biochemistry I 772114 VO Biochemistry of metabolism 4.5 772114 VO 4.5 Biochemistry of metabolism 772300 VU Biophysical chemistry 3 772300 VU 3 Biophysical chemistry 772304 VU Protein chemistry and protein engineering 4 772304 VU 4 Protein chemistry and protein engineering 772305 UE Practical course in biochemistry II 5 772305 UE 5 Practical course in biochemistry II 772306 VU Proteomics 3 772306 VU 3 Proteomics 772311 VU Kinetics of biochemical reactions 3 772311 VU 3 Kinetics of biochemical reactions 772329 VO Prokaryotic glycoconjugates and disease 3 772329 VO 3 Prokaryotic glycoconjugates and disease 772330 VS Microbiology and disease 2 772330 VS 2 Microbiology and disease 772418 SE Journal club BioToP II 1 772418 SE 1 Journal club BioToP II 773108 UE Practical course in organic chemistry 3 773108 UE 3 Practical course in organic chemistry 773111 UE Practical course in chemistry for UIW 4 773111 UE 4 Practical course in chemistry for UIW 773114 UE Practical course in organic chemistry 3 773114 UE 3 Practical course in organic chemistry 773119 UE Practical course in basic chemistry 4 773119 UE 4 Practical course in basic chemistry 773120 VO Organic chemistry 2 773120 VO 2 Organic chemistry 773300 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 773300 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 773310 VO Bioorganic chemistry 3 773310 VO 3 Bioorganic chemistry 773311 VO Introduction into crystallography and NMR spectroscopy of proteins 3 773311 VO 3 Introduction into crystallography and NMR spectroscopy of proteins 773316 VU Modern methods in structural and biochemical analyses 3 773316 VU 3 Modern methods in structural and biochemical analyses 773401 SE Doctoral seminar in organic chemistry 2 773401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar in organic chemistry 774018 VO Chemical analysis and method development using supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography 2 774018 VO 2 Chemical analysis and method development using supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography 774109 UE Chemistry for NAWAROS 1 774109 UE 1 Chemistry for NAWAROS 774125 VO Chemical technology of biobased materials 2 774125 VO 2 Chemical technology of biobased materials 774304 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 774304 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 774305 VO Plant polysaccharide analysis 2 774305 VO 2 Plant polysaccharide analysis 774322 VO Chemical processes in atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere 2 774322 VO 2 Chemical processes in atmosphere, hydrosphere and geosphere 774328 UE Practical course in Green chemistry I 6 774328 UE 6 Practical course in Green chemistry I 774404 SE Doctoral seminar renewable resources 2 774404 SE 2 Doctoral seminar renewable resources 774408 SE Scientific retreat ABC&M I 4 774408 SE 4 Scientific retreat ABC&M I 774410 VU Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 3 774410 VU 3 Data Visualization for communication and exploration (in Eng.) 800101 SE Bachelor seminar in bionanosciences 12 800101 SE 12 Bachelor seminar in bionanosciences 800301 SE Master's thesis seminar bionanosciences 2 800301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar bionanosciences 800401 SE Doctoral seminar bionanosciences 2 800401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar bionanosciences 802005 VO Surface chemistry 1 802005 VO 1 Surface chemistry 802301 VO Biomaterial interfaces and interactions 4 802301 VO 4 Biomaterial interfaces and interactions 802402 SE Seminar biologically inspired materials and interfaces 2 802402 SE 2 Seminar biologically inspired materials and interfaces 803303 VU Physical chemistry (soft matter dynamics) 3 803303 VU 3 Physical chemistry (soft matter dynamics) 803403 VS Seminar biological physics II (Mathematics and modern physics) 2 803403 VS 2 Seminar biological physics II (Mathematics and modern physics) 803404 SE Scientific skills: Posters, talks, manuscripts, thesis and grant proposals 2 803404 SE 2 Scientific skills: Posters, talks, manuscripts, thesis and grant proposals 803405 SE Journal club II Build.Nature 1 803405 SE 1 Journal club II Build.Nature 835001 SE Research Seminar on number theoretic analysis and applied mathematics 1 835001 SE 1 Research Seminar on number theoretic analysis and applied mathematics 835003 VU Mathematics for engineers 3 835003 VU 3 Mathematics for engineers 835108 VU Mathematics II (wood and fibre technology) 3 835108 VU 3 Mathematics II (wood and fibre technology) 835109 VU Mathematics (environment and bioresources management) 3 835109 VU 3 Mathematics (environment and bioresources management) 835110 VU Mathematics II (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 4 835110 VU 4 Mathematics II (environmental sciences and civil engineering) 835111 VU Geometry for engineers and computer aided design 4 835111 VU 4 Geometry for engineers and computer aided design 835113 VU A first course in CAD 2 835113 VU 2 A first course in CAD 835305 VU Mathematical modelling in life sciences 3 835305 VU 3 Mathematical modelling in life sciences 851016 VU First Steps with R 1 851016 VU 1 First Steps with R 851105 VO Statistics 2 851105 VO 2 Statistics 851106 UE Statistics 1 851106 UE 1 Statistics 851109 VO Statistics (UBRM) 2 851109 VO 2 Statistics (UBRM) 851110 UE Statistics (UBRM) 2 851110 UE 2 Statistics (UBRM) 851111 VO Statistics (AS) 3 851111 VO 3 Statistics (AS) 851112 VU Statistics (AS): examples and applications 1.5 851112 VU 1.5 Statistics (AS): examples and applications 851113 VO Statistics for UIW 2 851113 VO 2 Statistics for UIW 851114 UE Statistics for UIW - practical 1 851114 UE 1 Statistics for UIW - practical 851300 VS Statistical data analysis with SPSS 3 851300 VS 3 Statistical data analysis with SPSS 851301 VO Experimental design 3 851301 VO 3 Experimental design 851302 UE Experimental design - lab 3 851302 UE 3 Experimental design - lab 851309 VU Statistics with R 2 851309 VU 2 Statistics with R 851311 VU Environmental statistics 3 851311 VU 3 Environmental statistics 851312 SE Interdisciplinary seminar environmental information management 4 851312 SE 4 Interdisciplinary seminar environmental information management 851323 VU Multivariate statistics 3 851323 VU 3 Multivariate statistics 890301 SE Master's thesis seminar 2 890301 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar 890302 SE Master's thesis seminar on materials and processes 2 890302 SE 2 Master's thesis seminar on materials and processes 890400 SE Doctoral seminar 2 890400 SE 2 Doctoral seminar 890401 SE Doctoral seminar on materials and processes 2 890401 SE 2 Doctoral seminar on materials and processes 891003 VX Historical wood utilization 2 891003 VX 2 Historical wood utilization 891010 PJ THINK+MAKE: Product innovations with renewable resources 3 891010 PJ 3 THINK+MAKE: Product innovations with renewable resources 891105 VO Wood physics 4 891105 VO 4 Wood physics 891106 VO Wood technology 4 891106 VO 4 Wood technology 891110 VX Wood machining 4 891110 VX 4 Wood machining 891111 VO Introduction to furniture making and completion of the Interior 2 891111 VO 2 Introduction to furniture making and completion of the Interior 891117 SE Bachelor's thesis seminar 12 891117 SE 12 Bachelor's thesis seminar 891120 EX Specialised field trip I 2 891120 EX 2 Specialised field trip I 891124 VO Basics of wood science 2 891124 VO 2 Basics of wood science 891301 VS Wood industries and products 3 891301 VS 3 Wood industries and products 891332 SE Compulsory internship seminar - wood technology and management 3 891332 SE 3 Compulsory internship seminar - wood technology and management 891335 VO Wood quality 3 891335 VO 3 Wood quality 891337 VU Wood and fibre material performance 2 891337 VU 2 Wood and fibre material performance 891339 VS Wood - biotechnology 2 891339 VS 2 Wood - biotechnology 891341 VO Processing systems 2 891341 VO 2 Processing systems 891342 VU Process control and analytics 2 891342 VU 2 Process control and analytics 891343 VU Adhesive technology 2 891343 VU 2 Adhesive technology 891348 VO Quality assurance and testing methods 1 891348 VO 1 Quality assurance and testing methods 891349 VS Plant and environment technology 2 891349 VS 2 Plant and environment technology 891350 VO Methods for the assessment of scrap wood 1 891350 VO 1 Methods for the assessment of scrap wood 891352 VO Natural-fibre raw materials 2 891352 VO 2 Natural-fibre raw materials 891402 SE Scientific tools for ABC&M II 3 891402 SE 3 Scientific tools for ABC&M II 891403 UE Scientific tools presenters club ABC&M 1 891403 UE 1 Scientific tools presenters club ABC&M 891405 SE Scientific retreat ABC&M II 4 891405 SE 4 Scientific retreat ABC&M II 892003 VO Principles of optics and applications in materials science 2 892003 VO 2 Principles of optics and applications in materials science 892007 UE Agrophysics Exercise 1.5 892007 UE 1.5 Agrophysics Exercise 892100 VO Physics for UIW 3 892100 VO 3 Physics for UIW 892101 VO Introduction to materials 2 892101 VO 2 Introduction to materials 892102 VO Agrophysics 3 892102 VO 3 Agrophysics 892105 VO Physics (UBRM) 3 892105 VO 3 Physics (UBRM) 892110 VO Biomaterials 2 892110 VO 2 Biomaterials 892111 UE Physical practical course for environmental sciences and civil engineering 1 892111 UE 1 Physical practical course for environmental sciences and civil engineering 892171 VU Mechanics and wood physics 3 892171 VU 3 Mechanics and wood physics 892300 VO Special topics of physics 2 892300 VO 2 Special topics of physics 892303 VO Physical properties of agricultural products and materials 3 892303 VO 3 Physical properties of agricultural products and materials 892305 VO Electro-energy-technics 3 892305 VO 3 Electro-energy-technics 892321 VU Solid state mechanics 3 892321 VU 3 Solid state mechanics 892323 VO Technical materials 5 892323 VO 5 Technical materials 892324 VU Wood physics 2 892324 VU 2 Wood physics 892326 VO Mechanical and physical behaviour of materials 4 892326 VO 4 Mechanical and physical behaviour of materials 892328 VO Sustainable materials engineering 3 892328 VO 3 Sustainable materials engineering 892329 SE Recent advances in sustainable materials engineering 3 892329 SE 3 Recent advances in sustainable materials engineering 892401 VO Structural characterization 2 892401 VO 2 Structural characterization 892403 VO Biomaterials & Biointerfaces 4 892403 VO 4 Biomaterials & Biointerfaces 893002 EX Field trip - process engineering 1 893002 EX 1 Field trip - process engineering 893105 VO Measurement and control systems 3 893105 VO 3 Measurement and control systems 893107 SE Bachelor´s thesis seminar 12 893107 SE 12 Bachelor´s thesis seminar 893117 VO Renewable energy 2 893117 VO 2 Renewable energy 893120 VU Process engineering II 4 893120 VU 4 Process engineering II 893121 VU General process engineering 4 893121 VU 4 General process engineering 893122 VO Mechanical and thermic process engineering 5.5 893122 VO 5.5 Mechanical and thermic process engineering 893124 EX Specialised field trip UBRM - Process and energy engineering 1 893124 EX 1 Specialised field trip UBRM - Process and energy engineering 893125 VO Energy technology fundamentals 3 893125 VO 3 Energy technology fundamentals 893127 VO Air pollution control 3 893127 VO 3 Air pollution control 893128 PR Practical course in process engineering 3 893128 PR 3 Practical course in process engineering 893140 VU Electrical, measurement and control engineering 4 893140 VU 4 Electrical, measurement and control engineering 893142 VU Introduction to process engineering 6 893142 VU 6 Introduction to process engineering 893143 VO Thermodynamics 3 893143 VO 3 Thermodynamics 893312 VU Process simulation 2 893312 VU 2 Process simulation 893323 SE Seminar on energy economics 3 893323 SE 3 Seminar on energy economics 893325 PR Practical course in measurement systems and applied programming 3 893325 PR 3 Practical course in measurement systems and applied programming 893327 SE Seminar in energy and process engineering 2 893327 SE 2 Seminar in energy and process engineering 893328 PR Environmental practical course 3 893328 PR 3 Environmental practical course 893332 VU Simulation and optimisation of energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in buildings 4 893332 VU 4 Simulation and optimisation of energy efficiency and renewable energy systems in buildings 893333 VU Fundamentals in- and application of PV-technology to non-domestic buildings 2 893333 VU 2 Fundamentals in- and application of PV-technology to non-domestic buildings 893360 VO Energy engineering 3 893360 VO 3 Energy engineering 893401 VO Applied computational fluid dynamics 2 893401 VO 2 Applied computational fluid dynamics 893402 SE Journal club BioproEng III .5 893402 SE .5 Journal club BioproEng III 894003 VU Programming with Python (basic) 3 894003 VU 3 Programming with Python (basic) 894308 VU Modelling and simulation of biomolecules 3 894308 VU 3 Modelling and simulation of biomolecules 894497 SE Scientific writing (BioToP) 2 894497 SE 2 Scientific writing (BioToP) 894498 SE Improve your presentation skills I 2 894498 SE 2 Improve your presentation skills I 894499 SE Improve your presentation skills II 2 894499 SE 2 Improve your presentation skills II