General information about the BOKU
Who are we?
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Mission Statement
The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, the Alma Mater Viridis, perceives itself as a teaching and research center for renewable resources, which are necessary for human life. More...
Forestry and Wood Science, Water Management, Agriculture, Food Chemistry and Biotechnology, Natural Resources Management and Ecological Engineering, Landscape Design and Landscape Planning, Environment and Bio-Resources Management. Study programs Research
Vienna, Gregor Mendel Straße ("Türkenschanze") Vienna, Muthgasse Tulln (Lower Austria), Konrad Lorenz Straße External sites in Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland More...
Rector: Univ.Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr.nat.techn. Hubert Hasenauer Rectorate University council Senate
about 10,000 students about 1,500 staff members More (in German) ...
Founded in 1872. Current main building built in 1894 to 1896. More (in German) ...