Location: Gregor Mendel building, Justus Liebig wing, ground floor, room no. EG/25
Opening hours: Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. - please contact us in advance by phone or email!
Individual appointments outside of opening hours are possible by arrangement!
Contact: Ute Jaedtke, Tel.: +43 1 47654-83102; ute.jaedtke[at]; Raumnr.: MENH-01/17.1
Services: The Institute's library is a reference library. Books can only be borrowed in exceptional cases. It is possible to inspect the literature at the library and take photographs or scans.
Please do your own literature and media research using BOKU:LITsearch.
About the library: The library of the Institute of Botany, founded in 1875, is a branch of the university library of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences. Our task is to acquire, manage and make available the necessary literature in the interest of research and teaching.
The holdings correspond to the individual subject areas of botany. The library contains more than 5,500 books and monographs and around 50 magazines and other periodicals. Every year, around 150 books and volumes of current magazines are added through purchases and donations.