
IPGL-participants, former IPGL-participants and IPGL-staff in bold
Risper Ajwang' Ondiek, Daniel S. Hayes, Damaris Njeri Kinyua, Nzula Kitaka, Erwin Lautsch, Paul Mutuo & Thomas Hein (2021). Influence of land-use change and season on soil greenhouse gas emissions from a tropical wetland: A stepwise explorative assessment. Science of the Total Environment 787 (2021) 147701;
Musikoyo, Eddison Opiyo, Muia, Anastasia Wairimu and Oduor, Steve Omondi (2021). Chicken feathers degrading bacteria isolated from flamingo feathers in Lake Nakuru, Kenya. African Journal of Biological Sciences. 3(2), 87-94. DOI:
Tramberend, S., Burtscher, R., Burek, P., Kahil, T., Fischer, G., Mochizuki, Ondiek, R.A., et al., & Wada, Y. (2021). Co-development of East African regional water scenarios for 2050. One Earth, 4, 434 - 447.
Hein, T., Hauer, C., Schmid, M., Stöglehner, G., Stumpp, C., Ertl, T., ...Ondiek, R.A.,…. & Wang, C. (2021). The coupled socio-ecohydrological evolution of river systems: Towards an integrative perspective of river systems in the 21st century. Science of The Total Environment, 801, 149619.
Boyero, L., López-Rojo, N., Tonin, A.M. et al. (including F. Masese & S.T. Kariuki as co-authors) (2021). Impacts of detritivore diversity loss on instream decomposition are greatest in the tropics. Nature Communication 12, 3700 (2021).
Hes, E.M.A., Yatoi, R., Laisser, S.L. et al. (2021). The effect of seasonal flooding and livelihood activities on retention of nitrogen and phosphorus in Cyperus papyrus wetlands, the role of aboveground biomass. Hydrobiologia 848, 4135–4152 (2021).
Bereded, Negash K., Getachew B. Abebe, Solomon W. Fanta, Manuel Curto, Herwig Waidbacher, Harald Meimberg, and Konrad J. Domig (2021). The Impact of Sampling Season and Catching Site (Wild and Aquaculture) on Gut Microbiota Composition and Diversity of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). Biology 10, no. 3: 180.
Sitati, A., Masese, F.O., Yegon, M.J. et al. (2021). Abundance- and biomass-based metrics of functional composition of macroinvertebrates as surrogates of ecosystem attributes in Afrotropical streams. Aquat Sci 83, 73 (2021).
Were, D., Kansiime, F., Fetahi, T. & T. Hein (2021). Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes from Various Vegetation Communities of a Natural Tropical Freshwater Wetland in Different Seasons. Environ. Process. 8, 553–571 (2021).
Musyika N.S. & R. Nairuti (2021). Application of Vermicompost Fertilizer in Aquaculture Nutrition: Review. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.100326
Simiyu B. M., H. S. Amukhuma, L. Sitoki, W. Okello, & R. Kurmayer (2021). Interannual variability of water quality conditions in the Nyanza Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2021, ISSN 0380-1330,
Kariuki J., Tibihika P.D., Curto M., Alemayehu E., Winkler G., & H. Meimberg (2021). Application of microsatellite genotyping by amplicon sequencing for delimitation of African tilapiine species relevant for aquaculture. Aquaculture, Volume 537, 2021, 736501, ISSN 0044-8486,
Khasisi D. Lukhabi, Muia A. Wairimu & Kipkemboi K. Julius (2021). Assessment of performance of wastewater stabilization ponds using faecal indicator bacteria reduction efficiency in a tropical environment. Afr.J.Bio.Sc. 3(2) (2021) 16-26
Yegon Mourine J., Masese Frank O., Sitati Augustine, Graf Wolfram (2021). Elevation and land use as drivers of macroinvertebrate functional composition in Afromontane headwater streams. Marine and Freshwater Research.
Jacob O. Iteba, Thomas Hein, Gabriel A. Singer, Frank O. Masese (2021). Livestock as vectors of organic matter and nutrient loading in aquatic ecosystems in African savannas. PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257076.
Nairuti R., Waidbacher H. & Zollitsch W. (2021). Growth performance and survival rate of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) reared on diets containing Black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens L.) larvae meal. Die Bodenkultur - Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment, Volume 72 Issue 1, p 9-19, 2021.
Habtamu Getnet, Demeke Kifle and Tadesse Fetahi (2021). Impact of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on water quality and phytoplankton community structure in the littoral region of Koka Reservoir, Ethiopia. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies; 9(5): 266-276.
Million Tesfaye, Gashaw Tesfaye, Abebe Getahun (2021). Growth and status of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) stock in Lake Chamo, Ethiopia. Lakes & Reservoirs: Research & Management, Volume 26, Issue 3, 2021
Nairuti, R.N., Musyoka, S.N., Yegon, M.J., Opiyo, M.A. (2021). Utilization of Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus) Larvae as a Protein Source or Fish Feed – a Review. Aquaculture Studies, 22, AQUAST697.
Erarto F, Getahun A, Mingist M, et al. (2020): Fish diversity and relative abundance at mesohabitat level in Gumara River, Lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia. J Fish Res. 2020; 4(1):5-13.
Englmaier G.K., Tesfaye G., Bogutskaya N.G. (2020): A new species of Enteromius (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae, Smiliogastrinae) from the Awash River, Ethiopia, and the re-establishment of E. akakianus. ZooKeys 902: 107-150.
Risper Ajwang' Ondiek, Francesco Vuolo, Julius Kipkemboi, Nzula Kitaka (2020): Economic Determinants of Land Use/Cover Change in Wetlands in East Africa: A Case Study Analysis of the Anyiko Wetland, Kenya. Front. Environ. Sci., 22 January 2020,
Tibihika, P.D., Curto, M., Alemayehu, E., Waidbacher H., Masembe C., Akoll P., & H. Meimberg (2020). Molecular genetic diversity and differentiation of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L. 1758) in East African natural and stocked populations. BMC Evol Biol 20, 16 (2020).
Bereded, N.K.; Curto, M.; Domig, K.J.; Abebe, G.B.; Fanta, S.W.; Waidbacher, H.; Meimberg, H. (2020). Metabarcoding Analyses of Gut Microbiota of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) from Lake Awassa and Lake Chamo, Ethiopia. Microorganisms 2020, 8, 1040.
Sanon, V.-P.; Toé, P.; Caballer Revenga, J.; El Bilali, H.; Hundscheid, L.J.; Kulakowska, M.; Magnuszewski, P.; Meulenbroek, P.; Paillaugue, J.; Sendzimir, J.; Slezak, G.; Vogel, S.; Melcher, A.H. (2020): Multiple-Line Identification of Socio-Ecological Stressors Affecting Aquatic Ecosystems in Semi-Arid Countries: Implications for Sustainable Management of Fisheries in Sub-Saharan Africa. Water 2020, 12, 1518.
Akidiva A., Yasindi A.W. & N. Kitaka (2020): Proximate evaluation of redworms (Eisenia foetida) as an alternative protein ingredient to fish meal. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2020; 8(4): 201-205
Adamba, S.W.K., Otachi, E.O. & Ong’ondo, G.O. (2020). Parasite Communities of Oreochromis niloticus baringoensis (Trewavas, 1983) in Relation to Selected Water Quality Parameters in the Springs of Lorwai Swamp and Lake Baringo, Kenya. Acta Parasit. 65, 441–451 (2020).
Omondi A., Ogendi G., Onchieku M J., Omondi O. S., Omondi R. & Omweno J.O. (2020): Phytoplankton community structure and ecology in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2020; 8(3): 478-483
Felegush Erarto and Abebe Getahun (2020). Impacts of introductions of alien species with emphasis on fishes. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies; 8(5): 207-216
Habtamu Getnet, Demeke Kifle, Tadesse Fetahi (2020): Water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) affects the composition and abundance of zooplankton in the littoral region of Koka Reservoir, Ethiopia. African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2020.1744509
Abebe Tesfaye, Abebe Getahun, Tadesse Fetahi (2020). Diet overlap of non-native common carp and native Nile tilapia: a potential cause for population reduction in Nile tilapia stock in Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. African Journal of Ecology
Abebe Tesfaye, Abebe Getahun, Tadesse Fetahi (2020). Food and feeding habits of the juvenile and adult Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) in Lake Ziway, Ethiopia. SINET: Ethiop. J. Sci., 43(2):77–87, 2020 carpio L. 1758) (Pisces: Cyprinidae) in Lake Ziway, Ethiopia.
Macharia, P.; Kreuzinger, N.; Kitaka, N. (2020). Applying the Water-Energy Nexus for Water Supply—A Diagnostic Review on Energy Use for Water Provision in Africa. Water 2020, 12, 2560,
Owino C.N., N. Kitaka, J. Kipkemboi & R. A. Ondiek (2020). Assessment of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Smallholder Rice Paddies Converted From Anyiko Wetland, Kenya. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Vol 8, 2020,
Kimani M. D., N. Kitaka & E. Otachi (2020). A Comparative Analysis of the Quantity and Quality of Oil Extracted from Five Commercially Important Freshwater Fish Species in Kenya, Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology, DOI: 10.1080/10498850.2020.1856261
Christine Nyagaya Owino, Nzula Kitaka, Julius Kipkemboi & Risper Ajwang' Ondiek (2020): Assessment of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Smallholder Rice Paddies Converted From Anyiko Wetland, Kenya. Front. Environ. Sci., 03 July (2020) |
Obiero K., T. Lawrence, J. Ives, S. Smith, F. Njaya, R. Kayanda, H. Waidbacher, D. Olago, E. Miriti & R.E. Hecky, 2020. Advancing Africa’s Great Lakes research and academic potential: Answering the call for harmonized, long-term, collaborative networks and partnerships. Journal of Great Lakes Research, Volume 46, Issue 5, 2020, Pages 1240-1250, ISSN 0380-1330,
Englmaier K.G., D.S. Hayes, P. Meulenbroek. Y. Terefe, A. Lakew, G. Tesfaye, H. Waidbacher, H. Malicky, A. Wubie, P. Leitner & W. Graf (2020). Longitudinal river zonation in the tropics: examples of fish and caddisflies from the endorheic Awash River, Ethiopia. Hydrobiologia 847, 4063–4090 (2020).
Englmaier K.G., Viñuela Rodríguez N, Waidbacher H, Palandacic A, Tesfaye G, Gessl W, Meulenbroek P (2020). New data on Garra makiensis (Cyprinidae, Labeoinae) from the Awash River (Ethiopia) with remarks on its relationships to congeners on the Arabian Peninsula. ZooKeys 984: 133-163.
Ngesa, E. A., Otachi, E. O., & Kitaka, N. K. (2019). Some biological aspects of straightfin barb, Enteromius paludinosus (Peters 1852) during the rainy season in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. Scientific African, 4, e00097. doi:10.1016/j.sciaf.2019.e00097
Ngesa, E. A., Otachi, E. O., & Kitaka, N. K. (2019). Levels of heavy metals in the straightfin barb Enteromius paludinosus (Peters 1852) from River Malewa, Naivasha, Kenya. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 191(5), doi:10.1007/s10661-019-7457-5
Obiero K.O, Waidbacher H., Nyawanda B.O, Munguti J.M & Manyala J.O., Kaunda-A. B (2019). Predicting uptake of aquaculture technologies among smallholder fish farmers in Kenya, Aquaculture International,
Mulei I. R., P. N. Nyaga, P. G. Mbuthia, R. M. Waruiru, Cheng, Xu, Ø. Evensen, S. Mutoloki (2019). First detection and isolation of infectious First detection and isolation of infectious haematopoietic necrosis virus from farmed rainbow trout in Nyeri County, Kenya. Journal of Fish Diseases, doi:10.1111/jfd.12979
Mburu, C., Kipkemboi, J., & Kimwaga, R. (2019). Impact of substrate type, depth and retention time on organic matter removal in vertical subsurface flow constructed wetland mesocosms for treating slaughterhouse wastewater. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C. doi:10.1016/j.pce.2019.07.005
Koskei C.E., Kotut K., Nyaga J. & Omondi O.S. (2019): Temporal variation in physico-chemical characteristics, phytoplankton composition and biomass in Lake Solai, Kenya, Int. J. Aqu. Sci; 10 (2): 101-111, 2019
Gichana Z., D. Liti, S. S. Drexler, W. Zollitsch, P. Meulenbroek, J. Wakibia, E. Ogello, P. Akoll, & H. Waidbacher (2019): Effects of aerated and non-aerated biofilters on effluent water treatment from a small-scale recirculating aquaculture system for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.)
Die Bodenkultur - Journal of Land Management, Food and Environment, Volume 70, Issue 4, 209–219, 2019. 10.2478/boku-2019-0019
Mezgebu A., A Lakew, B Lemma & G Beneberu (2019): The potential use of chironomids (Insecta, Diptera) as bioindicators in streams and rivers around Sebeta, Ethiopia. African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2019.1650711
Ojwala, R.A., Otachi, E.O., Kitaka, N.K., (2018), Effect of water quality on the parasite assemblages infecting Nile tilapia in selected fish farms in Nakuru County, Kenya. Parasitology Research 117(6), DOI: 10.1007/s00436-018-6042-0
Simiyu, B.M., Oduor, S.O., Rohrlack, T., Sitoki, L., Kurmayer, R. (2018), Microcystin Content in Phytoplankton and in Small Fish from Eutrophic Nyanza Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya. Toxins (210), 10, 275. doi:10.3390/toxins10070275
Hahn M.W., Schmidt J., Ssanyu G.A., Kyrpides N.C., Whitman W.B. (2017) Reclassification of a Polynucleobacter cosmopolitanus strain isolated from tropical Lake Victoria as Polynucleobacter victoriensis sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 67: 5087-5093
Rahman, M.M., Jiang, Y. & Irvine, K. (2018), Assessing wetland services for improved development
decision-making: a case study of mangroves in coastal Bangladesh. Wetlands Ecol Manage (2018).
Ejarque, E., Khan, S., Steniczka, G., Schelker, J., Kainz, M. J. and Battin, T. J. (2018), Climate-induced hydrological variation controls the transformation of dissolved organic matter in a subalpine lake. Limnol. Oceanogr.
MN Kaggwa, N Straubinger-Gansberger & M Schagerl (2018): Cyanotoxins in small artificial dams in Kenya utilised for cage fish farming – a threat to local people?, African Journal of Aquatic Science, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1470084
Poppe M., Weigelhofer G., Winkler G.(2018) Public Participation and Environmental Education. In: Schmutz S., Sendzimir J. (eds) Riverine Ecosystem Management. Aquatic Ecology Series, Vol 8. Springer, Cham. Online ISBN 978-3-319-73250-3,
Elizabeth Adhiambo Ngesa, Elick Onyango Otachi and Nzula Kivuva Kitaka. A Little Fish with a High Heavy Metals Burden: The Case of Straightfin Barb, Enteromius paludinosus (Peters 1852) from River Malewa, Naivasha, Kenya. J Environ Anal Toxicol 2018, Vol 8(4): 583.
Hahn M.W., Schmidt J., Ssanyu G.A., Kyrpides N.C., Whitman W.B. (2017) Reclassification of a Polynucleobacter cosmopolitanus strain isolated from tropical Lake Victoria as Polynucleobacter victoriensis sp. nov. Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 67: 5087-5093 DOI:10.1099/ijsem.0.002421
Ondiek A.R., Kitaka N. & Odour O.S. (2016). Assessment of provisioning and cultural ecosystem services in natural wetlands and rice fields in Kano floodplain, Kenya. Ecosystem Services Volume 21, Part A, October 2016, Pages 166–173.
Zapater-Pereyra, M., Kyomukama, E., Namakula, V., van Bruggen, J. J. A., & Lens, P. N. L. (2016). The effect of aeration and recirculation on a sand-based hybrid constructed wetland treating low-strength domestic wastewater. Environmental technology, 37(15), 1923-1932.
Ejarque, Elisabet; Schelker, Jakob; Khan, Samiullah; Hollaus, Lisa-Maria; Steniczka, Gertraud; Kainz, Martin; Battin, Tom (2016). The dual role of lakes as buffers and amplifiers of dissolved organic matter temporal dynamics: Buffering transport and amplifying transformation. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU 2016, p. 14580, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016.
Khan, Samiullah; Hollaus, Lisa-Maria; Schelker, Jakob; Ejarque, Elisabet; Battin, Tom; Kainz, Martin (2016). Lakes as organic matter upgraders - seasonal variation in biochemical compositions of in- and outflowing particles in pre-alpine Lake Lunz, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU 2016, p. 14412, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016.
Hollaus, Lisa-Maria; Khan, Samiullah; Schelker, Jakob; Ejarque, Elisabet; Battin, Tom; Kainz, Martin (2016). Are lake sediments mere archives of degraded organic matter? - evidence of rapid biotic changes tracked in sediments of pre-alpine Lake Lunz, Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 18, EGU 2016, p. 14067, 2016, EGU General Assembly 2016.
Obiero, K.; Waidbacher, H.; Drexler, S.-S.; Winkler, G.; Manyala, J.; Muriithi Njiru, J.; Kaunda Arara, B., 2016
Knowledge Management and Investing in Human Capacity Development for Aquacultural Education and Training in Africa
Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa , Special Edition 2016, 167-183; ISSN 0378-
Macharia, P. W., Yillia, P. T., Muia, W. A., Byamukama, D., and Kreuzinger, N. (2015). Microbial quality of domestic water: following the contamination chain in a rural township in Kenya. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development, 5(1), 39-49.
Mbonde A., Sitoki L., Kurmayer R. (2015). Phytoplankton composition and microcystin concentrations in open and closed bays of Lake Victoria, Tanzania. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 18(2):212-220, DOI:10.1080/14634988.2015.101103.
Outa N.O., Kitaka N., Njiru J.M. (2014): Some aspects of the feeding ecology of Nile tilapia,Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies, 2(2): 01-08
Outa N.O., Kitaka N., Njiru J.M. (2014): Length-weight relationship, condition factor, length at first maturity and sex ratio of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Naivasha, Kenya. International Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Studies 2014, 2(2): 67-72
Straubinger-Gansberger N, Kaggwa MN, Schagerl M. (2014). Phytoplankton patterns along a series of small man-made reservoirs in Kenya. Environ Monit Assess;186(8): 5153-66 doi: 10.1007/s10661-014-3766-
Ong’ondo G.O., Yasindi A. W., Oduor S. O., Jost S., Schagerl M., Sonntag P. and Boenigk J. (2013): Ecology and community structure of ciliated protists in two alkaline-saline Rift Valley lakes in Kenya with special emphasis on Frontonia sp. Journal of Plankton Research, 35 (4): 759-771.
Mushi D., Byamukama D., Kirschner A.K.T., Mach R.L, Brunner K. & A. Farnleitner (2012): Sanitary inspection of wells using risk-of-contamination scoring indicates a high predictive ability for bacterial faecal pollution in the peri-urban tropical lowlands of Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Journal of Water and Health, 10.2, 2012, 236-243.
Kaggwa M. N., Gruber M., Omondi O. S. & M. Schagerl (2012): A detailed time series assessment of the diet of Lesser Flamingos: further explanation for their itinerant behaviour. Hydrobiologia, DOI 10.1007/s10750-012-1105-1
Kaggwa M., Liti D., & M. Schagerl (2011): Small tropical reservoirs and fish cage culture: a pilot study conducted in Machakos district, Kenya. Aquaculture International, accepted.
Degefu F., Mengistu S. & M. Schagerl (2011): Influence of Fish Cage Farming on Water Quality and Plankton in Fish Ponds: A Case Study in the Rift Valley and North Shoa Reservoirs, Ethiopia. Aquaculture, doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2011.03.010
Ssanyu G. A. & M. Schagerl (2010): Phytoplankton productivity in newly dug fish ponds within Lake Victoria wetlands (Uganda). African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology Vol. 4(5).
Mushi D., Byamukama D., Kivaisi A. K., Mach R.L. & A.H. Farnleitner (2010): Sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria are indicators of very recent human faecal pollution in streams and groundwater habitats in urban tropical lowlands. Journal of Water and Health 08 (3) 466-478.
Goshu G., Byamukama D., Manafi M., Kirschner A. K. T. & A. H. Farnleitner (2010): A pilot study on anthropogenic faecal pollution impact in Bahir Dar Gulf of Lake Tana, Nothern Ethiopia. Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology Vol.10, No. 2-4, 271-280. doi:10.2478/v10104-011-0011-x
Manandhar A., Byamukama D., Shresta R., Haberl R., Mach R.L. & A.H. Farnleitner (2009): Use of faecal pollution indicators to estimate pathogen die off conditions in source separated faeces in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. Journal of Water and Health 7: 97 - 107.
Ajith Kumara P.A.D., Amarasinghe U.S., Schiemer F., Winkler G. & M. Schabuss (2009): Gillnet Selectivity of Small Cyprinids in Three Sri Lankan Reservoirs. Asian Fisheries Science 22: 885-900
Ajith Kumara P.A.D., Amarasinghe U.S., Schiemer F., Winkler G. & M. Schabuss (2009): Distribution and Abundance of Unexploited Fish Species in Three Sri Lankan Reservoirs : Distribution and Abundance of Unexploited Fish Species in Three Sri Lankan Reservoirs. Asian Fisheries Science 22: 867-884
Nalwanga R., Liti D.M, Waidbacher H., Munguti J.M., & W. J. Zollitsch (2009): Monitoring the nutritional value of feed components for aquaculture along the supply chain – an East African case study. Journal of Livestock Research for Rural Development, 21 (9): Article # 148
Mushi D., Kivaisi A. , Mach R.L., Byamukama D. & A.H. Farnleitner (2007). Sources of sorbitol-fermenting Bifidobacteria and their incidence and survival in streams and ground water habitats in urban tropical lowland of Dar es Salaam,Tanzania. International symposium on Health-Related Water Microbiology, Tokyo, Japan; 09-09-2007 - 09-15-2007. in: WaterMicro 2007, 22 - 24.
Waidbacher, H., Liti, D. M., Fungomeli, M., Mbaluka, R. K., Munguti, J. M. and Straif, M. (2006), Influence of pond fertilization and feeding rate on growth performance, economic returns and water quality in a small-scale cage-cum-pond integrated system for production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.). Aquaculture Research, 37: 594–600. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2006.01467.
Schauer M., Jing J. & M.W. Hahn (2006). Recurrent seasonal variations in abundance and composition of filamentous SOL cluster bacteria (Saprospiraceae, Bacteroidetes) in oligomesotrophic Lake Mondsee (Austria). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72:4704-4712.
Christiansen, G., Kurmayer, R., Liu, Q. & T. Börner (2006): Transposons inactivate the biosynthesis of the nonribosomal peptide microcystin in naturally occurring Planktothrix spp. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.72: 117-123.
Liti D., Cherop L., Munguti J. & L. Chhorn (2005): Growth and economic performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) fed on two formulated diets and two locally available feeds in fertilized ponds, Aquaculture Research 36, 8, 746-752.
Liti D.M., Fulanda B., Munguti J.M., Straif M., Waidbacher H. & G. Winkler (2005): Effects of open-pond density and caged biomass of Nile Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus L.) on growth, feed utilization, economic returns and water quality in fertilized ponds, Aquaculture Research 36, 15, 1535-1543.
Liti D., Munguti J., Kreuzinger N. & H. Kummer (2005): Effects of sodium chloride on water quality and growth of Oreochromis niloticus in earthen ponds, African Journal of Ecology 43, 3, 170-176.
Sekadende B., Lyimo T. & R. Kurmayer (2005): Microcystin production in the Mwanza Gulf (Lake Victoria, Tanzania), Hydrobiologia 543, 299-304.
Schiemer F., H. Keckeis, H. Nemeschkal, E. Schludermann, G. Winkler & I. Zweimüller (2004): Ontogenetic patterns in thermal adaptation of fish versus long-term temperature trends in large rivers. International Congress Series, Animals and Environments, Proceedings of the Third International Conference of Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, 1275, 209-217.
Mokaya S.K., Mathooko J.M. & M. Leichtfried (2004): Influence of anthropogenic activities on water quality of a tropical stream ecosystem African Journal of Ecology 42, 4, 281-288.
Oduor S. O., M. Schagerl & J. M. Mathooko (2003): On the limnology of Lake Baringo (Kenya): temporal physico-chemical dynamics. Hydrobiologia 506–509, 121–127.
Oduor S. O. & M. Schagerl (2003): On the limnology of Lake Baringo (Kenya): Pelagic primary production and algal composition of Lake Baringo, Kenya. Hydrobiologia 506–509, 297–303.
Schiemer F., Keckeis H., Winkler G., & L. Flore (2001): Large rivers, the relevance of ecotonal structure and hydrological properties for the fish fauna. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 135/2-4, 487-508.
Schiemer F., Keckeis H., Reckendorfer W. & G. Winkler (2001): The “inshore retention concept” and its significance for large rivers. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 135/2-4, 509-516.
Mathooko J., Morara G. & M. Leichtfried (2001): The effect of different anthropogenic disturbances on benthic plant coarse particulate organic matter in a tropical Rift Valley stream. Afr. J. Ecol., 39, 310-312.
Mathooko J., Morara G. & M. Leichtfried (2001): Leaf litter transport in a tropical Rift Valley stream: an experimental approach. Hydrobiologia 443, 9-18.
Byamukama D., Kansiime, F., Mach, R.L. & A.H. Farnleitner (2000): Determination of Escherichia coli contamination by chromocult coliform agar showed a high level of discrimination efficiency for differing fecal pollution levels in tropical waters of Kampala, Uganda. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 66, 2, 864-868.
Mathooko J.M., M'Erimba C.M. & M. Leichtfried (2000): Decomposition of leaf litter of Dombeya goetzenii in the Njoro River, Kenya. Hydrobiologia, 418, 147-152.