Austria - Taiwan Joint Seminar
Austria - Taiwan Joint Seminar - New Approaches for Sustainability & Climate Change research 2022
Through promoting dialogue and exchange, the Joint Seminar 2022 provides a platform for discussing current research directions and facilitating collaborative interdisciplinary research on climate change. The complementary expertise and research approaches will lead to synergies and benefits for the involved research groups of both countries, and constitute a sound basis for the development of new cooperation projects at high scientific level. In our successful past seminars, we have built up an important and problem-oriented communication platform facilitating in-depth dialogues between Austrian and Taiwanese scientists of different disciplines. An MoU was signed, and several research activities have benefitted from the last joint seminars. In the intensive symposium and workshop, we will exchange knowledge on climate change-related research and scientific approaches and seek further academic collaborations. Funded by FWF.
Download booklet: JS2022_booklet_27.10.2022